Chapter 21.

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Third person POV (Minho)

A calm feeling settled over the two idols as they leaned against each other on the bench. Minho crossed his legs and put his head on the taller's shoulder, sighing in pleasure as he felt his muscles relax while Hyunjin hummed the melody of a familiar song. A few seconds in and the elder realized it as 'Feel Special' by TWICE.

"You really like that song now, huh?"

"Its comforting. Reminded me of you guys when I was on hiatus. Its been on repeat for me after our new year's day." the younger whispered back, not wanting to disturb the quietness of the night.

Minho felt a sharp tug at his heart at Hyunjin's word.

He remembered those days, spent in despair and a constant state of nervousness and restlessness, trying to get any news from Hyunjin or the company on the case. For 4 months, the SKZ members had lived on edge, praying that their group mate would not meet the same disastrous fate as the other idols accused. For 4 months, Minho hadn't slept peacefully, knowing that any day could mark the end of Hyunjin's career in Stray Kids. The thought of his dramatic but adorable baby getting snatched away from him had been a constant fear in Minho's mind in those few months.

But thankfully, whenever he went online, he saw the support for Hyunjin and whenever he tuned in with their managers, they assured him that they wouldn't let their gem go that easily.

And one day, they won.

He came back....

After months of struggle and tears, Hyunjin was officially added back to Stray Kids.

Minho remembered that day, when their managers had solemnly called them all to inform that there were chances that Hyunjin might not make it through the scandal, he had felt his heart crack. And as they had kept up the fake pretenses, he had felt his heart crumble to pieces and tears sprung up in his eyes after a long time.

Felix had cried, so had Jeongin and Jisung. Chan and Seungmin had been close to tears, while Changbin was pretty much just in shock.

And Minho?

Minho had felt his entire world wither away with the thought of not having Hyunjin back.

"I am sorry I wasn't there to comfort you when you needed me...." he whispered, feeling his throat close up with emotions at the past memories.

"Oh no, hyung. Your existence was enough to comfort me. Everyday I watched you guys kill it on Kingdom, I lived a little more." Hyunjin was quick to hug Minho, wrapping him in a strong embrace.

"I would have fought them, you know? I would have fought them all for you, really. You belong with us. I was not going to let them take you away." he didn't know why he was being so sappy and blurting things out but he was glad it was happening.

It had been way too long since he had last let his emotions go, and the thought that his words healed him and Hyunjin both was comforting.

"Good, I don't want to be anywhere else either." somehow the younger's words didn't seem so straight forward to Minho. It was as if they had stopped talking about the hiatus and were somewhere else.....

"This is super embarrassing and I will kill you if anyone gets to know about this, but I love you Jinnie. And I will protect you." a wet sniffle left the younger who nodded his head against Minho's neck.

"I love you too, hyung" Minho helped Hyunjin wipe his tears before holding his face in his hands, staring at him like he was the most precious thing in the world, because he really was.

Never in his life had Minho expected to meet someone so real, so human, like Hwang Hyunjin. A man full of determination and emotion. A man so strong yet so sensitive. A man who was perfect. A man who was soft, serene, comforting and at the same time loud, chaotic and hilarious. A man who just made you want to protect him from the nuisance of a world and yet amazes you with his steel willpower. His emotions were not his weakness but his strength. His feelings and sensitivity gave him stability and power. He was a man of principles, easily swayed and yet stuck to his beliefs. He was someone Minho secretly adored and respected.

"Its getting late, Hyun. Let's go back." with that Minho intertwined their fingers together and the duo walked back peacefully to Hyunjin's dorm first.


"Be careful on your way back home, hyung" Minho smiled softly, patting the younger's head.

"I will be. Get inside now." he stepped back and was instantly attacked by another tight hug from Hyunjin, making him chuckle. He rubbed his back and pulled away, conscious of the time, but Hyunjin didn't let go. Instead he leaned in and placed his soft lips against Minho's cheek, making the elder's eye widen from shock and his heart skip a beat. He caught a whiff of Hyunjin's perfume and unconsciously inhaled deeply.

When the younger pulled away with a blush spread across his cheeks, Minho couldn't help the shy smile on his lips.

"Bye bye hyung. See you tomorrow." Hyunjin bit his lips before curving them up in a smile too.

Lips that Minho hadn't touched yet....

As he replayed his kiss with Felix again and again in his mind, he decided not today.... maybe one day, but not today.

Before he could act upon his desires, Minho spun around and started walking to his dorm, exhaling out his butterflies and nerves.

He liked the late night walks. The calmness and the beauty was so transparent at night. He also had no fear of being out alone in Seoul at such an hour, which made his walks more leisurely. What's the worse that could happen? Physical fight with drunkards or saesangs? Lee Minho was born prepared for that. He ain't a master in taekwondo and martial arts just for fun. He and his parents knew how hard life would be if he was out late for coaching and study sessions and some creep tried being, well, creepy. So he learnt taekwondo and martial arts. It not only helped him in the numerous common tussles with drunkards after his study sessions but also gave him confidence to be out alone with no damn fear. Who could survive him anyways? Especially now that he knows boxing too.

With a smirk, the idol strolled downtown, nearing his dorm. He could see some adults roaming around, some groups of drunkards or druggies too but nothing bothered him. He walked straight through the environment, unfazed and walked inside the lobby of his dorm. Thank goodness their dorm was on the 3rd floor, secured with passcodes and locks.

That night, when Minho plopped down in his bed after a warm shower, he couldn't keep the bashful grin off his face. The entire night with Hyunjin had been so fun, so calm and just something he needed.

The cheek kiss replayed in his mind over and over again as he held him pillow close to himself with a shy smile on his face, drifting off into the dreamland with the thoughts of a certain tall baby in his mind.

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