Chapter 10.

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Third person POV (Felix)

"Here." Minho handed over the cherry chamomile drink to Hyunjin as soon as he and Felix entered the dance practice room.

The taller one excitedly received his drink and sipped almost half of it in one go making Felix and the choreographer laugh at his behavior. It was moments like these that made the freckled boy crazy for the older. His adorable smile over something as trivial as a drink was a gift to mankind, according to Felix.

Shaking his head, the young dancer dropped his bag next to Minho's and proceeded with a quick warm up. As soon as the Lee duo were done and Hyunjin had emptied his entire drink, their choreographer took to business.

Within the next few hours, the four dancers went over the complicated and energetic step thoroughly, putting inputs and ideas wherever needed.

Hyunjin improvised the whistle part in their chorus and Minho came up with the lewd idea of showing abs during the post chorus that was immediately accepted by Donghyun.

Felix himself didn't change any parts because he loved the dance as it was but he did give his opinions on the formation and centre parts, which were again very respectfully heard by the choreographer.

At around 4 p.m, Donghyun bid his goodbye for the day, with the promise of informing the trio about the finalized dance as soon as he can.

The three dancers dropped to the ground as soon as the door closed behind the choreographer. Felix adjusted Minho's legs and propped up his head on the older's thigh while Hyunjin let out some more dramatic whines and collapsed half on top of Minho. The victim complained of being used as a pillow but none of his dongsaengs moved an inch, so he gave up and closed his eyes in exhaustion.

The only sound in the room was their heavy breathing which slowly quieted down, and that's how their manager found them 20 minutes later, piled on top of each other in the middle of the practice room, fast asleep.


"Tteobokki." Felix mumbled, giving out his food order. Minho nodded in understanding and ordered a bunch of other food items while the freckled boy leaned against Hyunjin with his eyes closed.

The three exhausted dancers were sitting in a restaurant for dinner.

When their manager had woken them up at around 5 p.m, the sun had already started to set. After packing up their things, freshening up and resting a little bit, the young men had left their company building by 6 p.m and walked straight upto their regular restaurant for meals. The owner and staffs, by now, knew who they were and mostly had a secluded booth left empty for them.

Their order was placed and the waiter announced a 10 minute wait. Felix sighed in relief and snuggled up against his tall friend who put his arm around the boy and pulled his bucket hat low over his face. Felix could hear Minho typing something on his phone, most likely texting the maknaes for food.

Hyunjin had already received a text from 3Racha, stating that they will come home late and will eat out, which is why the exhausted boy made no attempts to refuse Minho's dinner offer.

Felix drowned out the world around himself as he felt his mind going fuzzy with Hyunjin's smell engulfing him. An unconscious smile fell over his lips with the comfort of being in the taller's arms. There was no specific reason for Felix's feelings for the rapper, or maybe there were so many that he couldn't put them into words. He just knew that being around Hyunjin made him feel safer, happier and more human.

Felix has always been a soft-hearted boy. He thought too much, he felt too much. And sometimes, it came back to bite him in the ass because those feelings and thoughts became too much. Similarly, his feelings for Hyunjin sometimes became too much. He felt too invested in the older boy's life, too infused with his feelings..... especially knowing that Hyunjin has a huge crush on Minho.

But that definitely didn't stop Felix from pining after Hyunjin. How could he stop? How could he stop when Hyunjin was everything he was looking for?  How could he stop when the other's smile made his day and his pain hurt him too? How could he stop when he craved touching Hyunjin's long hair? How could he stop when all he wanted was to bask the older in praises to heal his fragile heart? How could he stop when Hyunjin's eyes enchanted him to the point of hypnotization? How could he stop when his heart raced every moment he was close with Hyunjin? How could he stop when Hyunjin's company was what he cherished the most? How could he stop when Hyunjin's company was what he desired the most? How could he stop when every moment spent together was something special for him?

Hyunjin knew how to be the calm to Felix's storm.....

Just like Minho knew how to be the calm for Hyunjin's storm.....

Felix shifted his head when Minho called over the waiter again to add some food for takeout, which meant the maknaes had agreed and requested for it. He watched how Minho, despite being as exhausted as them, handled everything. Sure, it was no big deal to order food, but when you are second oldest member of a big kpop group who just went through a 7 hour dance schedule, everything seems hard. And Minho so professionally going through the simplest process of ordering food is also an amazing feat to Felix who could barely get a word out without snapping at the moment.

He admired that about Minho, everyone did. The man was so indifferent to problems and life troubles. He walked through everything without as much as a word of protest. Nothing seemed to faze him. He could see why people fall for Lee Minho.

And he couldn't bring himself to disagree with the fact that Minho was one perfect man meant to fall in love with.

And as the freckled boy watched his crush drooling over his crush through his bucket hat, he knew no one could agree more with him than Hwang Hyunjin.

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