Chapter 19.

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Third person POV (Felix)

The freckled boy gulped and leaned back as Minho strode over to him, feeling his heartbeat skyrocket and his pulse quickening. He scrambled up in a sitting position, his wide nervous eyes looking around the room, clearly avoiding the elder's predatory gaze.


Felix was internally screaming and begging for mercy from the entire universe as Minho leaned over in front of him with a huge smirk on his face. His right arm snaked around the younger's body situated on the bed, holding himself steady over the freckled boy, who was mesmerized with Minho's beauty. His bare-faced look with messy hair and muscled body, damn Lee Felix was stumbling through his charms.

"Wha-what are you doing, hyung?" He nearly stuttered, his voice shaking and his gaze being pulled towards the elder's prominent collarbone.

"Nothing.... something..." Minho's voice was breathy and velvety soft, eliciting a shiver from the freckled boy, who uplifted his eyes to the elder's lips. The tension was way too thick for the duo, a first time thing too since they had never been so close in such way... as they were now.

"Am I that attractive that you can't keep your eyes off of me, Yongboks?" that nickname combined with the silky voice and sultry gaze did some things to Felix's heart, which had definitely only ever happened with Hyunjin before. The desire to touch the specimen of a man in front of him was huge, and so was Felix's crush it seems. He unconsciously brushed away Minho's hair from his forehead to see his sparkly eyes better and that action formed a small adoring smile on Minho's lips.

"Uhh.... yeah.... you are attractive hyung." this time, his voice wasn't shaking, neither were his hands as he reached over to Minho's shoulder and tugged him closer, to the point where their noses were almost touching. Felix was no kid at flirting, he had flirted a lot of times and pretty smoothly at that too, even with his own members, but it was his first time flirting back with Lee Minho, and that thought definitely got him slightly excited. He ran his fingers up the elder's bare arm, a small mischievous smile on his face and leaned forward, touching their noses together.

"Oooh, Yogbokkie has gotten better at flirting." Minho teased, completely at ease despite the.... questionable stance they both were in.

"Y'know what else have I gotten better at?" Felix's voice was even lower than normal, husky and deep as he stared back daringly at the elder.

He wants to play? Fine, they will play....

And Felix will win.

Slyly, he traced his fingers against the elder's lips and smiled cheekily.

"What? Yongbokkie wants a kiss, hmm?" he nearly died at the dangerously flirty voice of Minho, because damn he had never seen him like that. The elder looked almost.... predatory and amused.

"I thought your kisses are special, hyung." Felix uttered, recalling back to a few months ago when Changbin had jokingly tried to kiss the elder and had ended up with the threat of getting castrated, because apparently, according to the elder 'Lee Minho's kisses are special, only special people will get them'. And then he had mischievously clung to Jisung, knowing full well it would rile up Changbin.

"Yeah, but so are you..." despite his words, the elder leaned in close and only nuzzled his nose against Felix's freckled ones. He sighed contentedly and smiled at the younger, meeting his half-lidded gaze.

"Your freckles are the best part of you, and I am saying this full aware of your beautiful heart." his whisper made Felix swoon, his words nearly tearing up the soft boy. It was no secret that Felix was insecure about a lot of things, his freckles, his voice, his looks, his dance and his bubbly personality.

And because of that, he functioned solely on compliments and reassurance. They made him feel alive and welcomed, they made him feel his worth. And the fact that Minho never missed his chances to compliment Felix? Yeah, the younger was in love.

Where had those words come from?

Felix didn't know, nor did he care. Hearing such tender words from Minho meant the world to Felix, who smiled at his hyung back and kissed his nose, pleasantly surprising the elder.

As soon as they pulled apart, Minho's phone dinged with an incoming message.

"Oh shit, I need to shower." panicked and slightly disoriented, Minho untangled himself from the younger and rushed inside the bathroom, leaving a confused Yongbok behind.

The younger launched at the elder's phone and found a message from Jisung reminding Minho of his turn to record "Waiting For Us". So that's why he hurried away....

Holy shit...

He fell back on the tidy bed and stared up at the ceiling in shock. Had he just kissed Minho? Lee Minho? The very same Minho who was his teammate for years now? The very same Lee Minho who Felix never had much attraction for? The very same Lee Minho who Hyunjin supposedly had a crush on?

It was nothing new in SKZ to share a few kisses here and there. No, most of them were not gay, in fact none of them had ever felt like they were gay, but they most definitely did not hold back with each other. If any one of them was queer, well it was pretty much quenched with their own desires. It was like, SKZ were pretty much straight but gay for each other, if that made sense.

But Felix had never kissed Minho....


He had kissed everyone.... everyone had kissed everyone.... but Minho.

Even if it was just an eskimo kiss....

It was some sort of fun between them, being fruity with each other. Because what kind of friend group is it, if they not are slightly gay for each other? But as far as Felix knew, Minho had only ever kissed Jisung, who he was like the closest with, and maybe Chan, who must have badgered him to no end with his unreciprocated love.

But the rest? Nah...

Its not like Minho didn't love them equally, hell he even behaved differently with them to treat them according to their wish. But it was a known fact that he wasn't as open or affectionate as the others. He had his soft moments here and there but mostly, it was a routine of him to be the perfect hyung everyday. So for him to willingly cross the line he had drawn for himself was a huge thing, even if it meant just being slightly affectionate.

The moment had Felix malfunctioning as he robotically stepped off Minho's bed, remade it, and slithered back to his own messy room, plopping down on his bed with a million thoughts on his mind.

How? Why? What?

He shut his eyes, burrowing his head in his pillow and shrieked, feeling his heart still hammering against his ribcage. The shy smile on his face was a clear indicator of his feelings, the blushing cheeks enhancing his lovesick look.

Oh to be Lee Felix...

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