Chapter 38.

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Third Person POV (Hyunjin)

- "The fever is gone now, so is the muscle ache. I still have some trouble in breathing but it's fine. I will be back next Friday."

"Ok take care, Donghyun hyung has assembled some steps for your song but since the recording isn't done, he cannot finalize anything. He wanted your input in it anyways though, so don't worry." -

- "Hmm ok, is everyone else alright?"

"They are more than fine. Hannie and Seungmin will come back tomorrow, the test came out negative and Jeongin is also arriving in a couple of hours. The maknae's will move back into their dorm now." -

- "Ahh ok, tell them to be careful of locking the doors. And also, remind them that the oven is being bothersome."

"Yes sir, now you can go and entertain your cats. I am pretty sure Soonie is trying to murder me through the screen." -

- "Don't worry about them. They are just cranky because the toy light broke. But yeah, I will go play with them lest they become even more angry and start hitting me."

"Byee Lino." -

- "Bye."

"Not even a hyung, you brat- WAHH." -

A loud silence issued in the hallway.

Hyunjin grabbed onto Felix's hoodie tightly, keeping the freckled boy stable against the door. His own toes were cramping due to his questionable stance and his balance was staggering a little bit, but he managed to yank back the boy before he crashed and gave their mission away.

Felix frowned at him angrily and swatted his arm.

"You idiot, I almost shook myself out of my body." he whispered crossly.

"You would have gone smacking into his room if I hadn't caught you." Hyunjin whispered back, sticking out his tongue childishly at the accusation.

"I wouldn't have, my balanc-" Felix's indignant reply was cut off by Chan's muffled voice from the room.

"You two are aware I know you are there, right?" thrown off guard and slightly scared, the two dancers exchanged a wary look before turning towards the door in unison which slid opened in reply. Hyunjin flinched and took a step back in anxiety.

Chan stood in front of them in black short and a beanie, no shirt.

"Hello." he smiled pleasantly, as if he hadn't just caught his two dongsaengs eavesdropping on his conversation with Minho.

"Why do you not have a shirt on, Chris?" Felix grumbled, eyeing the bare muscled chest and abs while Hyunjin just went red in the face and froze up.

"Oh, I was video-calling Minho, right? That's why." evil human.

Hyunjin snapped his head up to face the sinister smirk on Chan's face and felt the urge to kick his leader's prominent ass.

"Don't test us, Chris." Felix groaned, slipping inside the room past Chan.

"Its bad enough we left things off like that before his departure, you aren't helping with this."

Hyunjin followed Felix in, his eyes wandering over the slightly messy room. Cloths were strewn over the floor and bed which meant Chan had most likely tried to dress up and given up at the same time. The purple lights behind his bed masked the entire room in a warm dim hue and the computer on his desk was switched on though his wheeled chair was closer to the bed than the desk. His phone was lying facedown on the seat of the chair which meant he was talking with Minho on the chair.

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