Chapter 16.

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Third person POV (Felix)

"Hyung!!! I am hungry" Felix called out from his room as he heard the door open and close, announcing Minho's arrival. He only had a hurried breakfast made by Minho and Seungmin in the morning and now it was late afternoon.

A few seconds later, a disheveled and sweaty Minho stepped into the room, eyes dropping lightly from exhaustion. Felix felt his eyes widen at his hyung's state. What had he been upto?

As carefully as he could, Felix got up from his bed and walked over to Minho and held him by his shoulders. He felt his forehead and cursed when he instantly removed his hand from Minho's burning skin.

"Hyung you are burning up. What are you even doing to get these many health issues?" Felix clicked his tongue worriedly, refering to the incident a couple of days ago when Minho had nearly toppled over due to dizziness. The elder gave him a sloppy smile and swayed dangerously which made the freckled boy go full on panic mode. He slipped his arm around the dancer's waist and guided him to his bed.

"Lix...." Minho slurred, looking at boy with blood-shot eyes "Are you okay?"

Aish this hyung...

Can't even stand up straight and is still worried about me.

"I am fine hyung. You, on the other hand, are not." Felix helped him lay down while careful not to bend his back too much. He could see that Minho wasn't even fully awake due to his burning fever and weak body. Just as he straightened up and put the blanket over a now shivering Minho, the front opened again, making him stiffen. Seungmin and Jeongin had a radio station interview today which meant they wouldn't be back before 8pm, so who was it?

"Minho hyung?"


Felix instantly walked out of the room and sure enough, Hyunjin was taking off his shoes at the doorstep.

"Hyunjinnie" Felix screeched, making the taller look up. A huge smile spread across the rapper face which made the freckled boy's heartbeat skyrocket, and he quickly bounded over. The two male met in the middle of living room with in bone crushing hug.

"I missed you so much fairy Lix" Hyunjin mumbled, leaning back on his feet to not put pressure on Felix's back. Felix nuzzled his face into the taller's neck, rubbing his cheek against the soft warm skin. It had been so long since they had properly had some moments to themselves. They stayed like that for God knows how long before Felix detached himself at the realization that Minho was sick.

"Oh Jin, I need your help. Minho hyung is sick. I think so." Felix bit his lips and looked up at the taller with worry evident in his eyes.

"You think so?" Hyunjin scoffed " I know so. That dummy was tripping over his own feet today at practice. Snapped at me and Changbin when we tried to get him to rest" Felix saw his worry and frustration reflect in Hyunjin's eyes.

It was getting a bit too much. Minho was barely there anymore. He looked lost and in a constant state of mental pain. It hurt Felix to see his lively hyung so dejected and depressed.

He knew some of it was his own doing, Minho was way too invested in taking care of Felix. He always cooked meals before leaving for the company. He would arrange the entire house and convenience for Felix with Jeongin, before dragging back the maknaes for lunch and then leave again for practice and schedules after making the dinner too. He would come home quite late and still be up at dawn for his workout. He would take Felix for his physiotherapy every weekend and spend as much time as he could with the injured boy, trying not to let him feel down over his injury, but being wrapped up in all this, the elder was loosing his health and mental peace.

Now Felix was determined to take care of him and let him know that being the elder means shit if they cannot take care of themselves.

"Ok, so let's get him some meds for the fever and make some lunch first" Felix spoke confidently, feeling decisive over being a good reliable dongsaeng. Hyunjin lifted his fist in a silent support and the duo instantly got to work.

They were relieved to see the groceries fully stocked and quickly put up a YouTube video for Galbitang. Felix took out some Ibuprofen and with the ginger tea that Hyunjin had boiled, he went inside his room, shooting off a warning to the taller boy to be careful in the kitchen.

Minho's forehead was beaded with sweat and his fever was definitely high if the burning skin was any indication. Felix picked up his soft handkerchief and wiped the elder's face with it, which instantly woke him up. His eyes fluttered open and Felix heart sank at the hollowness in them. Minho's eyes were the most beautiful and expressive part of his face. They held the sparkling galaxies in them and lit up the entire world with their charm. But now? Now, they looked empty and pained, as if seeing the world wasn't joyful anymore.

"Wha..." He focused on Felix and then winced.

"You are sick, hyung." Felix ran his fingers through the elders sweaty hair and that was another blow to his soft heart. Minho fluffy and smooth hair was now oily and sticky as if he had forgotten they existed.

"I am sick? Ughh" Minho groaned and held his head, looking teary eyed at the obvious pain racking through his body due to the high fever.

"My head hurts Lix..." He sniffled, his eyes finding Felix's who wanted to cry at his hyung's condition.

When had things gotten so out of hand? They were just fine a couple of weeks ago. The music video was done, more than half of the pre-recorded performances had been taken care of and all they had were interviews now, so why was Minho under so much stress?

" I know hyung. Here drink this tea. It will soothe your throat. Take a shower and then eat the soup we are preparing and then you can take your meds, okay?" Felix helped him up ignoring the whines and cries of protests.

He knew that there were no gains without pains so Minho would have to endure some. He made him drink the tea despite his complaints and then called Hyunjin to pull the elder out of the bed.

"Can you get him to take a shower while I take care of the soup?" Hyunjin nodded and put his arm around Minho's waist.

"I am not disabled, y'know" Minho whispered, trying to stand up straight and not lean too much on the taller boy.

"Yeah, you aren't disabled, you are an idiot" Hyunjin snapped, glaring at the stubborn human in his arms. Felix sighed at the anger in the rapper's eyes and walked closer to Minho, taking his face in his small hands.

"Hyung, we get it, you are tough, but you need to let go of this attitude or else you might shatter. Weren't you the one who told me to stop being so selfless and take care of myself? Then why don't you follow your own preaching?"

"Because he is stupid and he doesn't knows how to ask for help with his "I am elder, I am prefect" analogy" Hyunjin scoffed and Felix glared at him at that. His anger and frustration was a given but it wasn't helping. Felix understood that Minho's condition was painful and worrying for everyone and also a huge problem for their comeback but reprimanding him for his pure intentions, however damaging they were, was not cool. At the end of the day, Minho was only being a good responsible hyung, no matter how much he retrogressed his own health at that.

That was another factor that made Felix love him even more.

No matter how much it hurts him, Minho puts others before him.

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