Chapter 27.

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Third person POV (Minho)


He was feeling dizzy....

The camera was close.

The audience were screaming.

Someone was speaking something.

He felt cold and hot at the same time.

His chest felt too tight, it was painful to breath.

Darkness consumed him.

Someone was shaking him....

"Hyung?" it was a familiar voice, a very warm and comforting one.

Minho suddenly reached out blindly to get hold of the blond boy, craving some warmth and cuddles. His hand was caught in Felix's small soft ones and he could feel the Aussie crawling closer to him, which woke up his dazed mind.

He regretted opening his eyes as soon as he did, the light was too blinding and his head was starting to spin slowly, a weird banging ache erupting. But he still squinted around, trying to figure out his surroundings.

'Where..?" his voice was painfully hoarse and his throat felt stuffy.

"Here, get up." Felix came into view, his face still full of makeup and his hair still styled, he hadn't even changed out of his outfit.

It was difficult to sit up, his body was screaming in pain and his headache was getting worse with every passing second. His leg muscles were stiff and his ribs were throbbing with every breath he took. All in all, Minho felt awfully sick and exhausted and he couldn't even recollect why he felt so.

After a few moments of struggle, he was sitting up on the couch, his head resting back as he felt another pair of hands on him. Due to his closed eyes to ward off the headache, he couldn't see who it was but the familiar whiff of perfume told him it was most likely Hyunjin. His suspicions were confirmed when the younger dancer told Felix to go get changed.

"Hey, hyung?" Minho hummed in response, not at all considering any movement because he was sure it would make him nauseous.

"You need to change, eat and and then take meds." Hyunjin's voice was careful and quiet and Minho knew he was making an effort to help him out of his miseries, no matter how antagonizing it might be.

"Give me a moment." he whispered, trying to collect himself.

What had happened?

He had been dancing.... his chest was aching, his head was spinning....

Oh right, he had fainted.

He had been mad about having to shoot his performance thrice, had even snapped at one of his stylists when they tried fixing his already perfect hair. But he had given his best again. Juyeon had even congratulated him mid performance when they had walked to the side of the stage.

He had been feeling dizzy the entire day, and the Maniac choreography had definitely not helped. The extra energy he had to give in every performance had drained him bad, and not to mention that weird chest pain that had started right during Tiger Inside's first take.

He remembered something about collapsing on the stage after the camera had filmed his ending pose, right beside Moonbin, who was suffering from stomach ache. He had tried helping the man up, but then a massive spin hit his head and he had passed out in his manager's arms, who had rushed out the very second. That certainly explained his predicament as he squinted his eyes at the young boy in front of him.

"Are you ok? Do you feel nauseous?" Hyunjin got right up in his personal space, eyebrows scrunched in worry. His large hand cupped Minho's burning cheek as he leaned forward, making Minho gay panic. He quickly turned his face away and swatted Hyunjin's shoulder.

"Yah, get off me." the rebuked the younger, who stuck out his tongue at him, making a face at his antics.

"You are in big trouble, baby Lino." his voice was very delighted as his eyes curved into that mischievous expression he wore whenever he tried provoking Minho.

"Chan hyung was hella mad, you should be careful lest he tries to wrap you up in bubble wrap and lock you in the dorm."

"And you are thrilled about that, why?" Minho questioned, slowly stretching his limbs out to get the blood flowing, his headache waning out slightly.

"Oh, you so deserve it, hyung. Two blackouts in two weeks, 4kg weight loss, a severe case of anxiety, fever, and pulling away from us? You so deserve it." Hyunjin spoke, his voice taking on the sudden furiousness, his eyes blazed with annoyance, and his lips pursued.

Ok, that was a given.

He did slightly deserve it.

He had ignored every caution and concern from his team mates, brushing his hyung and dongsaengs off. Changbin had snapped at him last week after an interview, telling him he needed rest after he had almost broken down in tears FOR NO DAMN REASON AT ALL.

Seungmin had tried to help him, speaking so softly and acting so tenderly with him that Minho had double backed, shocked. Their 'Divorce Couple' concept had started inhabiting their real life too, so for Seungmin to act like that was a pleasant surprise even though he had waved him off too.

Felix and Jeongin had tried numerous times to get him to go out with them on their shopping spree, but he had been too exhausted for that. Hyunjin and Jisung had even tried cornering him once during an early morning schedule when Minho had stumbled out of the house dazed.

But most importantly, he had disappointed Chan. He knew it. The eldest hadn't even talked with him the last couple of weeks, too mad at his stubborn nature. But Minho was now determined to talk to Chan. He had to. He wanted, needed, help.

So, strengthening his resolve, he carefully got up from the couch. Hyunjin immediately latched onto his arm, helping him up. Despite his harsh words, the younger was hot on his heels to still take care of him, and that thought really did something to his heart.

With a pained sigh, he stood on his two trembling legs and held on for a moment to let his consciousness get used to the action. His dizziness had subsided drastically and he could feel himself well enough to not pass out any second.

Change, eat food, take meds, go to sleep.

He started mentally preparing himself for the required measures for a good night's rest. And tomorrow, he will talk to Channie. Explain his stupidity, get his hyung's warmth back and maybe spend some with his dongsaengs.

Taking a deep breath, he shuffled closer to the source of warmth in the present. His arm was still in a vice-like grip of Hyunjin, the younger's hot breath on his neck making goosebumps erupt on Minho's skin, as he stood close behind the dancer. Minho leaned back slightly against the younger, who chuckled. His long arm wrapped around Minho's broad shoulders as he steered him to the other side of the room just as Felix exited the bathroom.

The blonde boy perked up when their eyes met and he quickly shoved his cloths in his bag hastily, making his way over to the embracing pair. He snatched up Minho's casual clothes in the process before bounding over with a beaming smile on his face. His bare face and blond hair really complimented his freckles, which were so beautifully scattered across his cheeks, like stars in a galaxy.

Oh wow, exhaustion makes him poetic.

"Here, change into this. Sungie just texted me saying that we are excused from the schedule now. We gotta leave in 10 minutes." Minho nodded and tried to detangle himself from Hyunjin.

"Err, be careful." the taller cleared his throat and let go.

With a confused frown, Minho nodded his head and slowly made his way over to the washroom.

"Don't lock the door." Felix hollered after him.

Minho looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was was messed up even with the tons of hairspray that was spent on it, his makeup was just slightly ruined enough to look ruined and his eyes were red. All in all, he looked awful.

Time to work on himself now.

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