Chapter 34.

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Third person POV (Felix)

"This.... here, we can put the beat drop." Felix paused the audio, leaning back in his seat to look at Hyunjin.

The said male was pondering over the lyrics of their song, while Felix was adding the mysterious melody for the chorus. Minho, who was supposed to be helping them with the song, was essentially with his MCing schedule since he had missed the last one.

That had worried Felix a lot, it was unlike the elder to ignore his work which means he must have not been feeling well. He hadn't even talked much with the freckled boy, or the other two maknaes, in the last 2 days, and was mostly zoned out throughout the day. Him and Hyunjin hadn't talked either for that matter, though Felix had noticed Hyunjin throwing longing looks over to the elder.

But Hyunjin wasn't the only one doing that.

Changbin and Chan seemed very wary and cautious around Minho too.

What those three elder ones were up to, Felix had no idea, but he wasn't even sure he wanted to know.

He was just hung up on the fact that he was unable to confess to Hyunjin and was thinking about Minho 24/7. He would never admit it, but he was slightly hurt with the silent treatment, even though he wasn't the only one getting it.

He would have talked with Minho within the last 3 days but the elder looked very unfocused and exhausted and Felix didn't want to force him.

He was also, childishly, hoping that the elder would reach out first and... don't know... apologize? Explain his behavior? Clear out the mess?

What he did know, was that he was not fond of this tension between the three dancers.

He refocused his attention on Hyunjin as the male slid the notebook over to him.

"Look at it now. What do you think?"

Felix removed his headphones from around his head and let them fall against his shoulders, picking up his pen and going through the lyrics once again. The words were definitely very sensual and sexy, but he wanted a little taste of insecurity and hesitancy in there too.

Attraction was anything but just confident.

He wanted some charisma, he wanted some seductive vibe but he also wanted vague indecisiveness. He wanted the demanding dominant darkness but also a pleading appeal.

A very VERY bad idea formed in his mind as he went over the chorus. Just after the la-la-la part, he clicked his pen and started scribbling.

He could feel Hyunjin shift his chair closer and lean over him to peek at the paper, and he felt his nerves combusting inside himself as he glanced at the other dancer for any kind of reaction at his addition.

Narrow the gap between you and me, our breath touching briefly, true up
Faster in this sweet, heated in this sweet space...

Just look at me...

With a gulp, he met his gaze with Hyunjin who had an unreadable expression on his face, eyes flicking to the paper and back to Felix subsequently. He didn't look angry or disappointed with the lyrics, but he didn't look thrilled either.

Nevertheless, Felix continued writing after not getting any reply back.

He cut the simple la-la-la part and frowned in concentration, willing his word power to come up with something commanding but imploring at the same time.

Because that's what their situation was right now, of the three dancers. Very dominant but hesitant at the same time. They all knew what they wanted, and they did go to certain extents for it (ahem ahem Hyunjin and Minho), but they still pulled back in self-doubt.

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