Chapter 6.

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Third person POV (Minho)

With a groan, Minho flopped back onto his bed fully dressed. The entire day's labor had gotten to him and now the dancer was spent beyond expectations.

Shifting houses was such a chore and they hadn't even properly arranged the dorm yet. Furnitures and boxes were strewn across the living room, cluster of things kept at random places for immediate use and the basic necessities were taken out quickly. It would take them the entire night if they started arranging right now. Thankfully, the beds had been re-built by the workers on arrival, but the house was still in a disarray.

And Minho was disheartened. He did not like the dorm. He wanted to go back to their old home. He wanted those pale yellow walls and messy kitchen. He wanted all of them crammed into that small living room. He wanted things to stay the same......

"Hyung?" Seungmin popped his head inside the room. "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" The singer was troubled seeing the elder boy sprawled across his bed.

"I am fine." Minho sighed, pulling himself up in a sitting position. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, we were just wondering that maybe we should complete this today. Y'know we only have the weekend for rest. We need to start the choreography selection from Monday....." Seungmin trailed off, feeling bad for disturbing an obviously exhausted Minho.

"You are right. Let's get this done then." Minho collected himself and sprung off the bed, much to the younger's shock who had expected a high dose of whining and curses. Seeing his dongsaeng in surprise made Minho chuckle, knowing full well that everyone expects him to be a menace 24/7, which is why his cooperation always throws them into a stupor.


Minho was woken up rudely, with a shriek. His eyes snapped open, mind completely blank before the depth of the situation sunk in. He haphazardly got out of his bed, nearly face-planting to the floor in his hurry. Wrenching open his bedroom door, he peeked out cautiously.

"Where's the intruder? Who died??" His morning husky voice was heard across the dorm, as he timidly made his way to the living room. Another door opened to his left and Seungmin stepped out, hair disheveled and face twisted into a deep frown.

"I swear to God, someone better be on their death bed or I will end up killing them." He muttered darkly, very disturbed with his sleep interrupted.

Minho let out a sigh and straightened up, stalking over to the kitchen to find Jeongin frozen in shock, behind the counter. His eyes were wide, his lips parted as he stared at something on the floor. Minho moved over stealthily, and near about lost his patience when he found himself looking at a lizard.

"So... You screamed at 8 in the morning because you saw a lizard??" Minho could feel a headache coming at his group mate's stupidity but he tried to be nice.

"Hyung..." Jeongin whispered, looking downright terrified when the lizard crawled an inch. "Hyung, its a lizard...." and with that he screamed again, throwing himself on Minho, who rolled his eyes skywards, glaring at whoever was laughing at him through the Heavens.

Why...? Just, why me...???

"It's okay, Innie. Let's go back, ok? Seungmin will take care of the wretched animal, alright?" He let out a satisfied hum when Jeongin nodded and slowly started inching out of the kitchen.

"Yah, why me?" Seungmin, however, was not satisfied.

"Because I said so, Kim Seungmin. Take care of that lizard. We don't want Felix getting traumatized as well." And with that sarcastic thin-lipped smile, Minho followed Jeongin out, leaving behind a fuming puppy who was cursing everyone's existence for existing at 8 in the morning.


"Be careful on the way back, ok? It gets chilly at night. Take your scarfs with you." Minho was fussing over the two singers who were leaving for the vocal studio for their daily practice. Jeongin had grown over the wounding experience of the morning and was cheerfully putting his shoes on, while Seungmin was still salty over having to get rid of a pest. He huffed and turned away when Minho tried to wrap his scarf around his neck, which was very adorable to Minho, who laughed and patted his head.

"Still mad over that, huh? I will make up for it with a good dinner, ok? Breadsticks will be free of cost." He winked playfully, before turning his attention to a hyper maknae and zipping up his jacket. Needless to say, Kim Seungmin was happy.

"Hyung, noooo!" Jeongin immediately zipped it down. "Its fashion, hyung. Don't ruin my look." Minho narrowed his eyes at the boy in front of him, pursing his lips.

"If you don't zip that up within a second, the only thing getting ruined will be your face. I don't want sick people breathing down my neck 24/7. Y'all are much trouble as it is." He opened the door and ushered the two out, calling out another warning to the maknaes before shutting the door quietly.

Its hard being the responsible one....

He walked back into the living room just as Felix walked out of his room, rubbing his wet hair with a towel. "They left?" He questioned when he noticed Minho coming back from the hallway.

The elder one hummed in response, throwing himself on the couch, reclining in, and switching on the T.V.

Felix sat down beside him, slouching down in his seat and wrapping an arm around Minho's torso, nuzzling his cheek against the victims shoulder.

"Ewww, affection. You owe me 50,00 won for this Lee Yongbok." Minho sassed, absent-mindedly flipping through channels.

Felix laughed at the comment and took it a step further by throwing his leg over the elder's crossed legs and completely sticking to his side like a glue.

Minho could only sigh as the cuddle bug attacked him mercilessly.

This was the life of Lee Minho....

Fancy living and rich lifestyle who? Lee Minho only knows pain and suffering of being Stray Kid's hyung.

And people question why he is weird....

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