Chapter 8.

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Third person POV (Hyunjin)

"I cannot believe it...."

"She really screamed that? I mean, I know they are not kids but still...."

"Your daddy-ness is showing, hyung."


The four rappers were focused on the big screen, watching one of their performance video from their tour. It was danceracha's WOW performance, and at the moment, the young men were mesmerized by the dance.

Hyunjin gulped when he saw Minho's smirk at one of the fans. It was so unfair. Everything about the man was so perfect. There was that imperfection-ly perfection that always pulled Hyunjin towards Minho.

NO..... NO NO NO....

This weekend was specially planned by Hyunjin to enjoy life with the 3 composers of the group since they had been so busy the last few days. No thoughts of Minho and crushes were allowed today. He was strictly going to focus on himself and his 3/7 members.

"Wow, Minho hyung is hot, no pun intended." And Han Jisung just had to ruin Hyunjin's resolution.

"I mean, he is Lee Minho, of course..." Changbin's abstract philosophy about how hot Minho is, was cut by angry noises from a certain tall weasel.

"What day is today? A Lee Minho appreciation day? Y'all cannot watch anything in peace" The three scolded men looked at each other, confused and weirded out by the sudden outburst. Hyunjin, on the other hand, just huffed and slouched in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest and going all pouty over the fact that everyone loves Minho and his feelings are getting out of hand.

I need to get my feelings in check...

"By the way, Hyunjinnie, I was wondering if you, Minho and Felix can meet up with Donghyun-nim in a couple of days to finalize Charmer's choreography. We will be done with Maniac and Venom within the next two weeks, so it would be better to be done with one song first, y'know?" Chan sidled upto the dazed boy, showing him his best charming smile for persuasion since the taller could be a little..... lazy....

Hyunjin groaned in protest

Can people not mention Lee fricking Minho every second of his lovesick life?? It was kinda hard to forget about his crush when he was the only topic being talked of.

But no matter how dramatic Hyunjin is, he is no heartless inconsiderate jerk to neglect the group's dynamics for something as trivial as his feelings. So of course, he agreed to do his part and immediately texted Minho about the work. His message was not seen but it was no shocker since Minho wasn't the most attentive text replier.

"And just for this extra work, which you so mercifully dumped on me on my free week, you will have to buy me americano for the rest of the month." Hyunjin was no heartless jerk, but he was no virtuous saint either. Chan could only sigh at the demand and agree to it. It was a surprise Chan wasn't broke by now. The amount of biding the poor leader had to do for his dear members was such a holy number.


"I swear to God Han Jisung, if you don't move your butt out of my room now, I will roundhouse kick you to the other dorm." Hyunjin aggressively pushed the lazy squirrel off his bed, but it made no difference to the sloth whatsoever, who giggled and poked his tongue out to tease the aggravated elder.

It was 11 at night and both of the elder boys were asleep in their respective rooms, tired from their workout session, while the two younger problematic kids were sprawled across Hyunjin's bed, watching random videos and reels.

However, Hyunjin was sleepy and his dear best friend was being inconsiderate and that was pushing the llama to the edge of violence. He slapped Jisung's butt twice and then proceeded to roll him to the other side of the bed. He freed his blanket from the squirrel's tangled limbs, adjusted his pillows and then collapsed down with a weary sigh, pulling the blanket properly over himself and Jisung who was still laying down in the same position Hyunjin had propped him over with was just staring into the void.

"Yah..." His husky sleepy voice sounded across the room. "Why did you put the blanket over me...?"

"Because if you wanted to leave, you would have done so the second I threatened to kick you. Just admit it Ji, you wanted to sleep here with me. Leave the tsundere image to Minho hyung." Hyunjin replied smugly, relaxing back in this position and closing his eyes.

There was a momentary silence before Jisung let out a small squeal and scooted over to Hyunjin, throwing his arm and leg over the unsuspecting boy and cuddling him like a koala bear. The poor victim grunted and groaned in protests which were drowned out from the quokka's excitement.

"Our dear Hyunjinnie is so smart~" Jisung gave him his breadcheeks smile, rubbing his face against the elder's shoulder before closing his eyes and quieting down. Hyunjin chuckled lowly at the adorableness and patted the boy's fluffy hair.

And with that, the two kids fell asleep with the most content feeling in their heart and best warmth surrounding them.


"Flip it or burn it, Sung." Hyunjin glanced at Jisung's pancake which had solidified and was sizzling. Jisung, however, slipped the spatula under the pancake and then hesitated. He was not at all confident about flipping it right and the poor boy couldn't afford to mess up the perfectly shaped pancake.

"I.... ummm...." He trailed off, slightly picking up the pancake and then setting it down again when it leaned down the side of the spatula.

Hyunjin let out an airy laugh at his friend's struggle and gently pushed him away. He slid the spatula out and swished the pan front and back before flipping the pancake expertly and situating the pan back on the stove.

Jisung watched it all in amazement and looked at Hyunjin with sparkly eyes shining in respect. "Wah mom...." He drawled out, moving over to the coffee pot for making some morning coffee. His movement subtly meant that now Hyunjin had to take care of the pancakes, and the ravenette was smart enough to pick up the hint.

Together, the duo prepared an eatable breakfast before Chan and Changbin woke up, which pleasantly surprised the elder ones.

No matter how much they fight and bicker, its a known fact that Hyunjin and Jisung are more compatible than yin and yang themselves and their love connection needs no words of explanation.

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