Chapter 31.

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Third person POV (Felix)

The freckled dancer was studying Minho warily.

If the consequences of his actions weren't looming over his blonde head, he would have giggled over the calculative but adorable look on the elder's face, who was studying the pair like he was trying to solve a puzzle that wasn't really a puzzle to begin with and his eyes were getting comical by the second.

Felix risked a glance at Hyunjin and found him staring at Minho too, whose eyes were now glazed over, unconcentrated. In turn, Felix kept his eyes over the taller dancer. His hair was messed up from when he had raked his hands through it in agitation after seeing the elder, his cheeks were still flushed and he was gulping repeatedly in nervousness. All in all he looked like a hot mess, and it was so tempting to just kiss him.

Felix closed his own eyes and tried to think back at his stupidity. Just why had he been so reckless like that?

They had been swept away in the breeze of the leisure fun, not even realizing their actions until it had crashed upon them, and though Felix didn't exactly regret the epiphanic moment, he knew that Hyunjin was far from happy over the sudden stunt that got his crush looking at them like they were maniacal.

Fucking nuisance....

Romantic feelings were such an annoying aspect in a complicated life, and SKZ members' lives were intertwined as complex.

His tirade of thoughts were interrupted by Minho's mischievous remark and he rolled his eyes at the elder.

Minho was a really intricate human, and Felix's brain wasn't hardwired enough to understand him. One second, the elder looked bothered by them, the other he seemed to be enjoying it. That was the sole reason why they weren't the closest pair in the team, Felix was too easy, Minho was too difficult.

But it was true with the 'Opposites Attract' analogue.

Because Felix wanted to understand the elder.

Maybe he was attracted to menaces because both Hyunjin and Minho were definitely menaces.

"Back to work, hyung." he spoke up, as the dramatic silence stretched on and Hyunjin started to look nauseated.

"Yes yes, Mr. killjoy." Minho rolled his eyes and shot off a text message to one of their managers who was supposed to meet them.

During the one month leave that they had, before the Japan leg of their tour, SKZ were supposed to start working on their new album.

The title track, some funky shit Felix wasn't really fond of, was already decided, along with one b-side. But as usual, there had to be unit songs too.

So, unlike the previous album where they had rapline and vocal-line as the units, Chan proposed the idea of the same units as in their album 'IN LIFE' -- 3Racha, Danceracha and Vocalracha.

Felix was more than happy with that. A danceracha unit song will be, well, dance focused, and he was the most confident with that anyways. Not to mention, their unit song had received a prominent appraise from their fandom. It had even made it to other fandom's edits' or playlists, with how inflamed it had been with emotions and lust.

The three members of Danceracha were neither substantial nor shallow. They maintained a really good balance between the sensation and intensity of the song, along with their looks and dance.

Needless to say, Felix was excited for their unit song again.

"I will say this once, if we all don't like the songs, we reject them in a heartbeat, ok?" Minho came over and sat down on the couch beside Hyunjin, who was yet to react in any way, and looked at Felix for confirmation. The freckled boy nodded his yes.

The Arrangement - HyunMinLixNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ