Chapter 28.

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Third person POV (Felix)

"C'mon hyung." Felix tried in vain to feed Minho the small red pill.

The stubborn feline human kept fighting with his small hands, adamant that the specific medicine tasted like shit and he didn't want to take it.

"But it will help with the weakness, hyungie." His attempts at charming his way were a failure as Minho ignored his pout and fixed his tired eyes on the wall.

"I don't need that. Just give me the sleeping pill, I will be fine after a few good hours of sleep." Minho had his own pout on, as he tried to charm his way with Felix. Unfortunately, it was definitely working. The exhaustion in the elder's eyes compelled Felix to just ignore their manager's words and throw away the vitamin pills and instead just give him the sleeping pills for comfort. The poor man looked spent beyond words, his posture was limp, his bright face completely dull and his eyes looking dazed.

"Hyung...." Felix tried for one last time, his resolve crumbling at the look on Minho's face. He is such a softie sheesh...

"Just take one for me. Please."

Minho narrowed his eyes at the younger, and miraculously sighed in defeat. Maybe he was aware of the fact that it was almost 3 in the morning and Felix was as tired as him after the day's event, taking sympathy on the poor boy who was taking care of him. But whatever it was, it definitely saved the day for the soft-hearted blonde boy who was seconds away from giving in.

"Fine, but I will take it differently. It tastes terrible." such a baby, uff. A smile spread across Felix's lips when he heard his hyung back down from the fight they had been having for 10 minutes now, all because he played his 'for me' card. He reached forward for the water and instantly a frown edged over Minho's eyes. The dancer waved his hand against the water frantically and flinched back.

"Huh? You want me to pass it mouth to mouth to you, or what?" Felix snorted, shifting closer to the bundled up burrito called Lee Minho.

It was supposed to be a joke, he had blurted that out to distract the elder enough to get him to take the pill, but of course, it was Minho they were talking about. The nasty idea had him perked up in seconds as he leaned forward with an interested expression. Horror and a hint of desire spread across Felix as he jokingly pushed the purple haired man away.

'OMG hyung. You are wild. It was joke." Minho deflated like balloon at his words which definitely made him laugh out loud.

"I won't take it with water, it dissolves and leaves an aftertaste. And I won't just take it without water because that is nasty too. So, you figure out how you wanna give it to me." a smirk played across Minho's lips as he trapped Felix in a dilemma. The blonde's joyous expression fell, replaced by an annoyed one as he hit the elder on his arm. Dang it, he thought he had won.

"You are insufferable. Fine, don't take it." he huffed, giving in to the evil bunny.

"But when you stumble over the places again, don't expect me to catch you."

"Oh but I will always expect you to catch me, Yongbokkie." that honey voice was such a weakness for Felix. How do you escape from Lee Minho's charms?

There should be a book out there, labelled as '101 ways to avoid falling for the cat butler, Lee Minho'.

And maybe another one, labelled as '101 ways to remain loyal to your crush.'

"Tone down the flirting, hyung. I don't think your exhaustion likes your cheeky side much." somehow, his own voice came out leveled and unaffected, even though his heart was thrumming loudly and his thoughts were running wild.

Defeated and sleepy, Felix threw the vitamin pill on the bedside table, making a mental notes to find another way for that, and handed over the sleeping pill to Minho.

"Thank God." the elder breathed out, gulping down the pill without hesitation and leaning back, relieved. Felix chuckled at him endearingly and got up from the bed, making Minho shift down in a better position for sleep. The elder's face was free of makeup, his hair was falling over his forehead messily after the hasty shower he took to remove the hairspray and his hands were clutching the blanket tightly. The soft cheeks puffed out in relief, the squinting eyes and the small smile near about melted Felix right then and there.

Menace.... He is a menace.

Felix told himself as Minho grinned up at him sleepily.

Blushing furiously and feeling unjust, Felix arranged the bedside table properly, threw the dirty cloths in the hamper by the closet and did a quick check of the room. Minho didn't like his room messy at all.

Satisfied that everything was in place, Felix started walking out of the room but then, Minho called out to him drowsily.


"Hmm?" Felix spun around worriedly, expecting the elder to be feeling sick or something.

"Where you goin'?" Minho's speech was slurred and his eyes were nearly shut, a pout playing on his lips.

"I am going to take a shower and then sleep, hyungie." Felix answered back just as quietly.

"Sleep here, with m'." The man was drained and half asleep and yet he was having his way with the younger like on a daily basis.

But Felix was really contemplating it. Sleeping with Minho meant that he would be able to take care of him throughout the night (or morning) and he would get good warm cuddles too. Not to mention, he was getting an opportunity to spend time with the elder and he wasn't going to give up on that.

"Ok hyung." he agreed readily.

"Just give me 10 minutes, I need to shower first." but Minho was already dozing off.

Feeling strangely excited and nervous, Felix stepped into the shower, the warm water loosening his tense muscles. He stretched his limbs and massaged his head, mindful to not evoke a headache. The shampoo and body wash really seemed to freshen him up and by the time he stepped out of the shower, he was drowsy with the content feeling enveloping his body.

He wiped off the fog from the mirror and stared at himself in the reflection. Full healthy cheeks with his freckles, tired brown eyes, wet blonde hair, water dripping down his chest, his small hands reached for the moisturizer for his night care routine.

After dressing up in large comfy night wear, he towel dried his hair because he couldn't use the hair dryer at 3 in the morning. His mind flashed with the scenes an hour ago, when he had been towel drying Minho's hair. The elder had tried wrapping his arms around his waist, which had earned him a smack and a scolding to stay still. Exhaustion was really playing with the elder's head, Felix giggled at the thought.

The entire house was silent and dark as he quietly made his way over to Minho's room. Shutting the door behind him carefully, Felix climbed in bed beside the sleeping male and pulled the blanket over himself. He was just about to shift closer when Minho moved. The poor freckled boy froze, thinking he had woken up the dancer, but the elder just snuggled into his side. His arm looped over Felix's small waist and his head was nestled against his neck and shoulder.

Felix slowly relaxed in his hold, feeling his skin burning where Minho's lips slightly touched his neck. And so he shifted himself, putting his arm around Minho's shoulder and slinging his leg over the elder's muscled ones. His fingers threaded through Minho's silky hair, massaging his head slowly, and he felt the elder sigh in his sleep.

With a content smile, he let the sleep take over him.


An early update because apparently, I am more impatient than the readers ;)

On a scale of 1-10, just how stupid can I range to?
Probably a 99.

See ya on Thursday now.


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