Chapter 7.

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Third person POV (Felix)


Cozy...... Soft..... Safe....


Felix woke up with a start, confused and groggy.

Where was he??

Ahh, yes... The new dorm.... Living room....

He slowly got up.... Or atleast tried to. His arm was stuck and something was holding him back. Looking down, he noticed his arm hooked around Minho's waist with the elder's arm wrapped around his shoulder. He had been half on top of his hyung, his legs tangled with Minho's sweatpant clad ones.

Felix breathed out evenly, relaxed with the revelation that no demon was feasting on him while he slept, and laid back down against Minho's shoulder. He noticed the time on the television, which was still playing the drama 'All of us are dead', displaying 4:42 p.m. He knew the two vocalists wouldn't be back till 8, which meant he had plenty of time with Minho.

Felix shifted his head, turning to stare at the specimen in front of him. He had always been a little intimidated by the elder's looks. Which was exactly the reason Felix never tried to get close to Minho during their trainee days.

When the elder had been eliminated, Felix had been a little relieved and a little miffed. Relieved because the competition with the elder was a losing battle towards the younger, and miffed because no matter what he did, Minho was always finding ways to be in the younger's good books. He was sweet and nice right from the beginning. He was helpful and Felix didn't like that because it made hating Lee Minho very, very hard.

Not only was the elder perfect looking, but he was also one of the best dancers ever born and his voice was so freaking angelic, it gave the freckled boy goosebumps. Everything about Lee Minho screamed perfection and Felix, poor soul, hated it. He hated how the elder's smile always lighted up his entire face, how his giggles always made everyone laugh, how his black hair was always falling into his eyes, how he was a beautiful human inside and outside, because that played with Lee Felix'x heart....

He always steered clear of Minho, even after they debuted. Everything about the elder was so damn perfect and intimidating, it made Felix feel small. He never felt good enough to be on that level with Minho. Afterall, what made Lee Felix so special? Nothing much. But Lee Minho? Lee Minho was born special, in Felix's eyes. Everything about the scorpio, ranging from his looks, to his voice, to his sassy personality, to his quick-witted brain and his dark humor, Felix found him a special case of making. And unfortunately, Felix couldn't compare himself to him.

With a sigh, Felix rolled his eyes at his own train of thoughts. Where was his dose of sugar rush when he needed it? Ahh yes, it abandoned him just like Chan did in that Choi SKZ game.

He continued staring at the elder's face, completely mesmerized by the perfection it displayed. Of course, Felix has seen handsome men, he himself is pretty good-looking and his members have unique visuals too, but could anyone hold a candle to Lee Minho's beauty? NAH.... Maybe Cha Eunwoo.... Or Taehyung.... But nooo..... For Felix, beauty was in the eye of the beholder and in his eyes, Minho was one gorgeous man, and he says this while having a full blown crush on Hyunjin. The elder's perfect nose, his sparkly doe eyes, his pink heart shaped lips, his pale chubby cheeks, sharp jawline, messy hair on forehead.....

Felix sighed for the umpteenth time.

He wondered...... how would it feel to hold the elder's face in hands, pulling his cheeks, touching his lips....

Of course, he would never dare to do so lest Lee Minho decided to go Kungfu panda on his ass. But still.....

Lost in his thoughts, Felix touched Minho's cheek lightly, feeling the soft skin beneath his fingertips.

"Its been a full half-hour since you have been staring at me like you wanna devour me." Minho's velvety voice snapped Felix out of his reverie. The poor boy jumped and nearly toppled over the couch before balancing back. His heart was racing, his cheeks flushed and his hands were a trembling mess. "If I didn't know better, I would have thought you were a vampire, just about to suck off my blood, considering how intensely you have been looking at me..." Minho stared at the younger pointedly who let out a breathy laugh.

"Why are your analogies so weird, hyung? You make me lose braincells." Felix tried hard to change the subject, knowing full well if he was asked to explain his uncanny actions, he would have a mental breakdown. Suddenly, Minho sat up straight and leaned over at Felix, his lips right beside the younger's gradually reddening ears.

"One day, I will get you to answer that question, Yongbokkie." His breath tickled the freckled boy's ear and neck, making goosebumps arise along his skin. However, Felix tried his best to stay calm and not react in any way to the obvious teasing. "As of right now though, let's go prepare some dinner so we can continue the drama." And with that, Minho sprung off the couch and walked away, stretching his limbs along the way.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Felix let out a huge sigh, feeling his heart rate escalating the norms.

This is why you never mess with Minho....

He mentally scolded himself for being stupid and mesmerized. He should have paid more attention to the fact that his hyung was a light sleeper and he was not exactly the stealthiest human alive. Well.... What's done is done. Let's forget that ever happened.

And with that motivational thought, Felix got up, switched off the television and mentally prepared himself for another round of confrontation with his lovely sassy hyung.

He could literally feel the tons of teasings and snide remarks all around himself from Minho's pretty mouth. And the thing was, no matter how much people insisted that Felix was a softie who couldn't handle Minho's attitude and sass, the freckled boy was the biggest enjoyer of his humor.

See, life as Lee Felix is hard...

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