Chapter 3.

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Third Person Pov (Minho)


Lee Minho was tense.....

New dorm arrangement?

Oh no, he was so not ready for it.
He was also annoyed.... Why change the perfectly fine living they have? Ok, he admits they have some space issue but that doesn't means they can just divide them like that....

Oh yeah, Lee Minho was definitely pissed. Yet he knew nothing could help him with it so he went with the flow.

Right after his voice recording of Charmer, he joined the two youngest members in the dance practice room, followed closely by Bang Chan, Changbin and Han.
Hyunjin came in a couple of minutes later, however Felix was busy in a live with the fans, so he was excused.

Not being the one to beat around the bush, SKZ's manager quickly informed the boys of the dorm arrangement before going away to give them time to themselves.

However, it seemed that he had taken away Minho's resolution with him, because suddenly the feline boy couldn't accept the fact that he was in charge of the three youngest members now.

You see, the dorm arrangements are no joke. Being the eldest of the 3 put a lot of responsibility on Minho's shoulder. Waking them up on time, always making sure they are well fed and healthy, keeping track of their schedules, giving them proper routines, helping them when sick.... He knew perfectly fine why he was put with the maknaes.

If there is one thing Lee Minho hates, its responsibilities. And now, he was in charge of three kids.

His obvious stress at the situation did not go unnoticed by Chan, who quickly pulled him off to a corner to talk.

To be honest, Minho was in no mood to talk. All he wanted to do was to crawl into his blankets with his dwaekki plushie and drift off to sleep.

But he knew there was no escaping Chan, especially when he was on his leader mode. So as soon as Chan opened his mouth to talk, Minho spilled the beans like a good boy. His extraneous insecurity of letting someone down was grating upon his nerves and he needed Chan to tell him to just man the hell up and get over it.

But of course, Bang Chan being Bang Chan gently told him to not worry much and just be the perfect hyung that he is.

Minho could do nothing but sigh at that. They gave way too much credit to him but in reality he was not that great. He was the one most likely to fail at responsibilities. He was the one least helpful in dire situations. He got tongue-tied and nervous when needed to speak something. His 'harsh' and 'cold' nature definitely didn't seem very welcoming. Overall, Minho was impractical and that thought hurt the poor boy's ego.

Defeatedly, he followed Chan back to the group but his mind was racing away with the thoughts of the dorm arrangement. He did not want to be dramatic but he was sure that this arrangement will change their group dynamics a bit. He could feel it coming.... the change.

Which is why when Chan proposed the idea of calling it a day, he quickly nodded in agreement. They only have a couple of days now living together, might as well put it to good use.

As they walked out of the building, he could hear the younger members' excited chatter of getting a new dorm which made him smile sardonically. It was only a matter of time before they realized the depth of the situation and when it will happen..... Minho shuddered at the thought.


After picking up some food from their regular BBQ restaurant, the boys made their way to the dorm. Shoes were kicked off, jackets were shrugged off and strewn across the couch and murmurings filled the living room. Minho made his way over to the kitchen to arrange the food and prepare some side dishes. He quickly unpacked the food while heating up the pan to make some scrambled eggs.

Methodically, he cracked 5 eggs and sauteed them while heating up another pan to grill some meat. Within minutes, the meat was grilled and cut into smaller pieces and the side dishes were plated as he called over the boys to eat. Hyunjin and Jisung came over and helped him carry away the food to the living room where the others had already set the table.

There was a chorus of 'thank you for the food' before they started eating together. The small conversations, the excited exclaimations from the members and the plans for the new dorms caught Minho's attention who could only sigh at it wistfully, knowing full well that it might be the last time they were having a dinner like this. He frowned at his food, already feeling nostalgic over their moments in their 'home'.

Can their next dorms become their homes??

Minho hoped so.

The Arrangement - HyunMinLixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora