Chapter 36.

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Third person POV (Minho)

Do you know that unsettling emotion of grudge? That spiteful urge to just ruin yourself, or others, the unexplainable pain, the bitter savor of the situation...

That's what Minho was feeling...

.... against Hyunjin, against Felix, against his own heart and against the world...

Why him..?

Just why??

He was living just fine, he had a healthy life, a promising career, good family circumstances, great team and the feeling of satisfaction...

Why did things have to get so complicated all of a sudden?

Or was it even sudden? Because Hyunjin and Felix had been dealing with their feelings for years now, it seems, but what about him?

Did he even have feelings for them, even one of them? Was he even capable of being in love? Did he even deserve love like that?

He had no answer...

All he knew was that Hyunjin had always been special to him, and Felix had grown to be so too.

But feelings? Love? Dating? What the fuck are they?

Minho had never thought about his future in that sense, ever since he decided to become an idol. Love, relationships, dating, kissing, hooking up were all out of question the second he put his pen on his contract paper. Despite not having any dating ban now, he knew dating was not his pursuit, his fans would murder him.

But would they mind if the partner was his own member?


.... Why would they even care...?


He glanced at his phone, staring at the #Minsung trending on twitter after their SKZ code episode dropped.

A sigh left him as he started to massage his throbbing temples. It had been yet another day of MCing and he was dead tired now, with their brand promotions, new comeback preparation and solo activities.

He had been feeling haggard the entire week, in a constant state of headache and body pain. His temper was short, his nerves were flayed and his heart was crumbling as slowly as a toddler walking. His nose was clogged, his voice was straining a lot for no damn reason and he was growing crankier.

Maybe he could skip dinner today and sleep early?

But he was hungry...

Another sigh escaped him when he clenched his fist once, his knuckles cracking under the pressure. His stomach was revolting at the thought of food, but he was also starving after not eating anything for the entire day.

And then, there was that sick feeling in his body that was making his day worse for god knows what reason.

He still hadn't practiced his lines for his MCing the following weekend for some new group's debut and he wasn't feeling up for it anyways. He wondered if he could make up some excuse for his health and skip for once.

Why did he accept the offer anyways, ughh...

It was just another exhausting schedule to his day. He had only wanted to become a singer..... Who signed up for this shit?

A sharp pain shot through his body when he shifted slightly.

His chest felt stuffed, he was definitely having some problem with breathing.... which meant a trip to the doctor. He had promised Chan and the others that he wouldn't neglect his health again, and Minho always stood by his promises.

The Arrangement - HyunMinLixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz