Chapter 11.

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Third person POV (Hyunjin)


That was all Hyunjin could think up of.

The sweat glistening on Minho's pale skin, his messy hair, his lean body in that thin loose t-shirt, his veiny forearms.....


Hyunjin felt like a sinner just checking out his hyung like a hungry animal. But could you blame him?

Hyunjin had always found Minho attractive, right from the moment he had laid eyes on the dancer years ago in his dance workshop. When he had coincidently met him months later in the JYPE building, he had had a serious skeptical moment. There was no way some stranger hot guy he had seen one day passing by was suddenly one of his potential team mates.

But no obstacle could prevent Hyunjin's attraction to the boy. That's what it was, Hyunjin insisted. It was just an attraction because Minho was drop dead gorgeous and Hyunjin was just a teenager. He didn't know the elder, neither did he get a chance to because he was eliminated. Even through the next couple of years, Hyunjin didn't know Minho, he only found him handsome. And that was a given, right? Everyone finds Minho handsome. That man is created for perfection. God has his favorites and he was definitely one of them. It was not Hyunjin's fault for being attracted to him.

Atleast, that's what the ravenette told himself to console the fact that no matter what, he was head over heels for Lee Minho.

Sure, he couldn't understand the boy at first. But the thing is, you don't need to understand Lee Minho. Just love him the way he is, accept him the way he is, because its the way he is. There is no reason for his sass and weird behavior. People find him random and 'unique' but Minho is just another human. He is the way he is because he likes it. And that's how Hyunjin likes him too. Simple is boring. Hyunjin likes a man of character and Minho is just that. His humor is immaculate, his personality is gold, his voice is softer than clouds, his looks are ethereal and his body is unholy.

Lee Minho is a package and Hyunjin was dying for that.


A gasp left Hyunjin's lips when Felix accidentally knocked over his chopsticks from his jjajangmyeon noodles. The pair of wooden utensils flew in the air, splattering black bean sauce everywhere, before clattering on the table. The incident would have been no big deal except for the fact that poor Felix got black bean sauce all over his face and shirt.

The two elder ones nearly fell over laughing at their friend's predicament, while the said boy pouted and whined about being made fun of. But seriously, how could they not laugh when Felix's small nose had that small speck and his freckled cheeks were decorated with small droplets of sauce.

After calming down, they did their best to clean up the youngest, albeit a few laughs slipped up here and there.

"Aigooo, how are you such a baby, Lixie?" Hyunjin cooed, while Minho snorted out another laugh. Felix glared at them playfully and huffed, turning back to his food which only made the eldest laugh harder.

"Having fun at my expenses, hyung? You know I can break into your room for punishment no matter what you do, right?" Felix eyes shone with mischief which immediately shut Minho up. He quickly cleared his throat and picked up his chopsticks to eat. Satisfied with the reaction, Felix also stuffed his mouth with his food.

Hyunjin, however, was confused.
"What punishment? How can you punish Minho hyung?" The taller knew he wasn't the brightest light bulb but this time, he really had no idea whatsoever.

"Oh, nothing much." Felix mumbled a little conceitedly. "I just attack him with cuddles. That's enough of a punishment  for our hyung."

"Yah..." Minho protested with a mouthful of tteobokki jjang. "Your little fragile ass cannot win against me. It was just one time, okay?"

Felix just smirked in that 'sure' way. Hyunjin, on the other hand, let out an indignant gasp.

"You let him cuddle you but you threaten to castrate me when I touch you? That's not fair, hyung."

"Ok, first up, I never threatened to castrate you. That reply is stupid. I have better ultimatums than that. Second up, you never tried to cuddle me." Minho sputtered out, feeling wronged.

"Sure hyung, there is a video on the internet in which you are garing at me when I wrapped my arms around you. Stays use that clip for every 'Tom&Jerry' moment between us." Hyunjin was teasing of course. The truth really was that he had never really tried to cuddle Minho. He was too much of a lovesick teenager for that.

"I...." Minho trailed off while his dongsaengs laughed at his loss of words.


"Be careful on your way back." Felix called after Hyunjin as the trio separated to go to their respective dorms. Minho and Felix waved back at the ravenette before disappearing in the dark. Hyunjin walked uphill to his own dorm which was just 3 to 4 minutes away from the restaurant. Their dorms were not more than 15 minutes away.

Hyunjin pulled his bucket hat low to hide his face in case he encountered fans on his way. He whistled tunelessly, hands in his pants' pockets, strolling in the cool weather and admiring his surroundings.

He felt happy, and content. It always happened when he spent time with his members, but the entire day with the Lee duo was a blessing to Hyunjin. He had dearly missed Felix. They didn't spend as much time together as they used too, which was a shame. Hyunjin really did miss his best friend. It wasn't as dramatic as he felt it to be but when you grow to spending EVERY SINGLE moment of your day with someone, a few hours per day suddenly seem way too less.

But he was not going to be a whiny baby about it and instead appreciate every moments he gets to spend with Felix. Because at the end of the day, he was one of the very few people Hyunjin absolutely cherished in life.

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