Chapter 4.

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Third person pov (Felix)

"Lixie....." someone was calling him. "Lixie, wake up..." soft hands in his hair, gently caressing his head....

The warm blanket cocooning him, the soothing head pats and low voice was lulling Felix back to sleep but the blonde boy knew that if Chan was waking him up, it must be something important. Cracking an eye open, Felix squinted at his fellow aussie, his vexed out expression screaming at Chan.

Chan chuckled quietly at the boy's obvious displeased state, before leaning back on the headboard.

"You gotta wake up now Lix. It's around 10 right now and we are expected to leave the house at 12-ish to go take a look at the new dorms." Chan informed the sleepy boy. "Minho has already prepared some breakfast, and is getting ready right now. Jeongin and Seungmin are up too, so save your hyung some effort and get up like a good boy. I still need to wake up Hyunjin and Jisung."

That got the freckled boy's attention. Everyone knew waking up Hyunjin and Jisung is suicidal, especially when they are tired, so Felix did not want to be nuisance.

Nodding at Chan as a sign of understanding, Felix stretched his limbs and sat up.

Chan got up too and ruffled Felix's already messy hair, his affectionate way of saying thank you. "Fighting, Lixie!!" and with that final giggle, Chan was out of the room.

Felix looked around the place, taking note of the unorganized beds and cloths strewn across the floor.

Now, how am I supposed to find MY cloths in that mess??

With a whine, Felix flopped back onto his pillows, his mind going blank and his eyes losing focus due to his sleepy state.

New dorm..... new dorm..... Minho hyung.....

His train of sluggish thoughts were interrupted by Changbin walking in. As soon as the rapper found the freckled boy, sprawled in his bed, he bounced over and jumped on his bed beside him. "Lixie!! Good morning" He squealed, wrapping his arms around the blonde boy, who felt a huge smile spread across his lips.

Felix really loves Changbin. The elder just made him feel so comfortable and loved. He adored the rapper for his protective soft personality. Changbin had been one of the first members Felix had opened up to. One of the very few people, until a couple of years back, who knew about his sexuality.

Now of course, all of the members mean equally important to the boy, but Changbin, Chan and Hyunjin have that special chip on their shoulders. Since the very first day, Felix has been closer to them than he expected, which is why he fell for Hyunjin.

It was kinda hard not to, when the older boy is just so adorable. His laugh, his precious smiles, his soft hair, his caring personality, his soothing voice, his kind heart..... something about Hwang Hyunjin has always intrigued the freckled boy.

Despite being the younger of the two, Felix has always felt this immense urge to protect Hyunjin from the entire world. Just wrap him up in bubblewraps like a burrito and keep him safe, away from the unjust world.

He still remembers those months they spent without him due to his hiatus. He still remembers those helpless phone calls exchanged between him and the members, as a source of reassurance that he will come back. He still remembers those sleepless nights they all spent together, missing Hyunjin collectively. He still remembers those uncertain meetings they would attend to get updates on his issue......

......He still remembers that day Hyunjin finally came back. Still remembers the tears, the massive hugs, and gratitude. Still remembers his moment of epiphany when he finally realized he was in love with Hyunjin.

A sigh left the boy's lips as he finally felt the drowsiness fading away. "I can't believe I won't wake up to your angel face anymore. Such a shame." Changbin was disgruntled. "If the new dorms aren't good enough, I am revolting" He raised his fist in dramatics making Felix chuckle.

"Sure hyung, I will join you." He reassured the rapper, getting up from the warm ambiance and making his way over to the mess on the floor.

Sweatshirt.... Jeans..... Sweatshirt.... where is it?

Triumphantly, he pulled out his favorite pair of black jeans from the mound of cloths, before making his way over to the closet. He pulled out his pastel green sweater and leather jacket along with some fresh socks.

After getting fresh and taking a quick shower, he pulled his clothes on and exited the washroom. The first thing he noticed was that Changbin had left, the second thing was that the mess on the floor was sorted, which made Felix's heart warm.

See, its things like these that make the freckled boy despise the dorm arrangements. Who will clean up his mess now?


By the time 11:30 rolled around, everyone was ready to go. Waving bye to the older members, Felix, Jeongin and Seungmin climbed in their assigned car. Felix watched out of the window as Minho exchanged a few words with Chan, Hyunjin clinging onto his shoulders. As soon as he was done, he ruffled Hyunjin's hair with a mischievous smile and waltzed over to the car. The members laughed at Hyunjin's complains and whines about his hair being ruined now, but everyone knew that one small gesture from Minho meant more to Hyunjin than his own life. And looking at Minho smile, Felix knew that no matter how much he acts like he gets annoyed by the weasel, the dancer would rather die than lose him.

And that made Felix wonder if he can ever mean that much to them.

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