Chapter 33.

753 37 48

Third person POV (Minho)

Stupid attraction

Minho pushed himself off the mat.

Stupid jealousy

He lowered his body carefully.

Stupid beauty

He pushed himself up again, straining his arm muscles

Stupid feelings

He grunted in the effort of lowering down his body again.

"Why are you so hell bent on becoming the hulk today, hyung?" Changbin called out from where he was lifting weights.

The purple haired male turned his narrowed feline eyes towards the rapper, feeling unnaturally moody. He huffed out a breath and pushed himself off the mat to sit properly, his arms burning in the sheer tension of the 50 pushups he had subjected them to, in hopes of clearing away his negative emotions.

"I am angry." he replied back shortly, rotating his shoulders to help ease the stress in his back.

"Oooh, what did Hyunjin do again?" Changbin was animated with excitement, dropping the dumbbells, and sauntering over to sit in front of Minho.

"What makes you think its Hyunjin?"

Why is everything suddenly about Hyunjin?

Minho was going insane with the weird antics happening.

"Well, for one, it ain't me." Changbin grinned, holding up his palm and counting off his fingers. "And you never get mad at Chan, Jisung, Lix and Innie, so that leaves either Seungmin or Hyunjin, and considering the latter came back looking like a kicked puppy last night, I deduced its him."

"Oh look, Changbinnie finally knows how to use his brain." Minho smiled sarcastically, stretching his arms and twisting his torso a little bit to crack his bones.

"Oh look, you are in a bitchy mood again." Changbin sulked immediately, kicking the elder's ankle childishly.

Minho instantly regretted his words.

He was just in an exceptionally bad mood and poor Changbin was on the receiving end of it. But he didn't deserve that for being a considerate friend.

"Yeah, sorry. I am just not in the best headspace right now." he sighed, moving his legs out in front of him and and letting his arms flop down to his side, which made Changbin giggle momentarily.

"You look like a baby." both of them simultaneously turned to the side, gazing in the mirror.

He did look like a baby.

Messy purple hair, small limp posture, stretched out legs and arms.... He looked like a neglected pouty baby who was waiting to be carried.


"You are a baby." he retorted automatically. Not his best comeback, sure, but it was all he could muster from his current messed up head.

"Right right, of course." the younger was obviously enjoying all the antics, his eyes gleaming and a beaming smile on his face.

Feeling completely miffed and mortified, Minho sniffed and looked at Changbin disdainfully, slapping his arm sharply. It stung his own hand in return and he glared at the younger like it was his fault.

"What? You hit me, stop acting like its on me for having muscles." Changbin just laughed at him.

"It is on you for having muscles that hard. Why are you working out anyways? You are like, the most buff one out of us all. You will start scaring people away now." Minho was trying hard not to sound like a whiny child, but damn it was hard.

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