Chapter 15.

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Third person POV (Minho)

"A COUPLE OF MONTHS?? ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Felix cried out, looking at Chan and the doctor in succession. Minho sighed and stayed back, knowing full well that the freckled boy was about to go in panic.

It had been such a great day. Minho and the younger ones had a delicious meal for breakfast, their recordings and pre-recorded interview had gone super well, and the music video shoot was almost done. The dance practice was going great despite all the members not participating yet, Hyunjin had gotten the opportunity to spend some much yearned time with Minho. And suddenly all good things came to an end when they got a call from Seungmin from the set, claiming that one stunt may have injured Felix a little bit.

"Mr. Lee, I know it is a lot to take in, especially with your career demands, but you MUST NOT take hasty decisions. You need rest for a couple of months to let your back heal or you might suffer from a severe case of paralysis." That had the three young men staring at Dr. Kim Hyungsoo in shock.

"Paralysis? Are you serious?" Chan gawked, glancing from the freckled boy on the hospital bed to the tall doctor beside him.

"Yes, Mr. Bang. I am afraid this injury can cost a lot to not only Mr. Lee's physical stature but also to his career and lifelong dreams. He has to rest this off with prescribed treatment and medicines if he wants everything to go back to normal again." Minho's heart broke when Felix looked over at him with teary eyes. He could see the desperation and pain swimming in there and for once, Minho was helpless. He had sworn to protect the sunshine, Felix had trusted him to, and now not only was he seriously injured but also in the potential danger of lifelong suffering.

"I am really sorry." Dr. Kim bowed his head grimly "I know this is asking too much, but I need your cooperation. Its my job to make sure you are well, Mr. Lee, and I know you hate me for bearing such miserable news, but this has to be done." With that he left them all alone in the private room their manager had booked for the young boy's treatment.

As soon as the door closed behind Dr. Kim, Felix palmed his face and started weeping. Minho was instantly by his side, patting his shoulder and head as a means of comfort while Chan stood not far away, feeling his heart clenching at the situation. The two elder members could do nothing but helplessly watch the poor boy cry over his misfortune. It was heartbreaking, hearing his sobs, but what was more painful was the known fact that the mental pain would go on for a long time than the physical ones for Felix.


"Here, hyung" Jeongin handed a glass of water to Minho and sat down beside him, gently massaging his shoulder. Minho sighed in pleasure and sunk back into the couch, closing his eyes.

"How is he? Is it bad?" The maknae made an attempt to inquire about Felix. Minho hummed in answer.

Chan had called in a group meeting the very next morning after Felix's discharge from the hospital so there was no rush for Minho to answer any questions from his bandmates or management people. Which is what he told the maknae, as sweetly as he could despite the sinking feeling in his heart.

He informed Jeongin and Seungmin that he had already ordered them some food, which would arrive any minute, and warned them to not wait for him since he was skipping dinner. Jeongin obviously protested and tried to get his hyung to eat something but Minho refused the maknae's offer, he however bestowed a small grateful smile at him and patted his head.

He may have lost the fight but Jeongin still won Minho's heart with his concern.

That night, when Minho laid down on his bed after taking a much needed shower for relaxation, he received a text from Chan.

- Everything is fine :)

It was a simple text, but it meant a lot to both of them. Being the older ones was a huge responsibility and just a small reassurance from each other at times was a comfort for both Minho and Chan.

He checked the time and deeming it worthy for a few minutes of talk, he called Chan. Three rings later he heard his hyung's soft voice through the phone.

- Hey

He was whispering which most likely meant Felix was sleeping.

Is he sleeping? -

- Yes, but don't worry, they gave him sedatives so he wouldn't be waking up anytime soon.

What are we gonna do now, hyung? -

- We will talk with the management and arrange him a physiotherapist for weekends. We will clear his schedule and adjust the dance and physical activities of SKZ code around his health. We will also issue a notice about it and avoid any unnecessary ventures. Lastly, we will just take care of him like the precious human that he is.

You have already done most of it, haven't you? -

He heard Chan's embarrassed laugh from the other side which made him chuckle in turn.

You are crazy, hyung, seriously. -

- Don't you dare come at me, young man. Do I need to start with the fact that you have already bought everyone's gift for Chuseok right now, like the anxious loving freak that you are..?

NO!! Uhmmm, let's just talk about how to take care of Felix. -

- Well this is where it gets tricky. I need you to look over him and be with him 24/7 since Seungmin and Jeongin have their concept shoot first along with Jisung. But I also need you and Hyunjin to take care of the dance arrangements.

No problem. I will talk with Donghyun-nim and re-arrange the dance positions tomorrow. Then I can take care of Felix. Its nothing hard hyung. We have multi-tasked all the time. -

- True, but you will get a load of stress with this, Min. The comeback is a hard one and you are one of the members in spotlight this time. We can't have you sick or mentally down.

Hyung, there are more important matters on our hand, as of right now, than my mental health. -

- This is where you go wrong, Min. Nothing is more important. Both you and Felix are equally important to me, to the team and to the world. I am not going to tolerate you putting Felix above your own health and vice versa. This is not how a team works...

Yesss, I am sorry, my fault, I got it. -

Minho cut off Chan's rant, feeling stupid. He should have known Chan would skin him alive for saying such an absurd thing. Bang Chan is not the type to stand his members being stupidly selfless even though he himself is a stupid selfless dork.

He assured Chan to keep his health in check while taking on the responsibility, but at the end of the day, they both knew that he would rather die than not do his best, even if it kills him.

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