"I'm Just As Suprised As You Are To Be Making Out With Him"

Start from the beginning

"Can't you?"

"You can borrow mine, Neeks," Jason interjected. In the split second Will had contemplated how cute that nickname was, Nico's expression had turned from bored to murderous.

"Don't call me that," he said, snatching the airpods Jason offered him and marching back to his room. "See you around, Solace."

A look passed between Jason and Percy that Will couldn't decipher.

"You know, Will," Percy said, "we're having a Christmas party this Friday. Wanna come? I'm sure Nico would love to have you there."

Will snorted. He doubted that. Nonetheless, he could use a break from exam stress and his roommates, Leo and Cecil, would probably be going so why not?

"Alright. Any hideous jumper you want me to wear?"

"Wear whatever, dude. He'll love it either way."

With that confusing statement, Percy shut the door.

'American Idiot' started playing again.


Saturday rolled around and Leo and Cecil were bouncing off the walls. Cecil was wearing jeans and a red button-up shirt with mistletoe patterns on it. He'd combed his hair about five times so that he looked nice for his date with his girlfriend, Lou Ellen. However, Leo was taking a completely different approach to looking nice for his date with his girlfriend, Calypso. He was wearing a garish, green Christmas jumper with Rudolph's face on the front, complete with a bright red nose you could honk. Leo had insisted the mistletoe headband he was wearing was a good idea.

Will went with a casual Christmas Star Wars jumper and trousers, deciding that was good enough. He gave in and let Leo make him wear reindeer antlers too.

The party started at six so the boys went over with Will insisting on bringing wine as a gift. In retrospect, giving Jason and Percy wine might not be a good idea. He'd have to place his bets on Annabeth and Piper keeping them in check.

The party was already busy when they got there. Leo and Cecil abandoned him immediately for their partners and Will was left to wander around and talk to people he vaguely knew. He had a brief chat with Thalia about her engagement to her girlfriend, Reyna, and struck up a conversation with Nico's surprisingly nice sister, Hazel, and her boyfriend, Frank. Eventually, he found his friend, Rachel, who was his only single friend. All the talk about couples was starting to annoy him.

"What about her?" Rachel asked, pointing to a girl alone in the corner of the room.

Will shook his head.

"Him?" Rachel pointed to a guy.

"Paolo's not really my type."

Rachel pinched the bridge of her nose. "You say that about everyone. Look, I know you're pining after Nico-"

"I am not!"

"-but that doesn't mean you can't have fun."

"You're single."

"I'm aroace. You're just sad."

Will shoved her shoulder lightly, pretending to be more offended than he was. Rachel laughed.

"Okay, but seriously, Will. You deserve a one-night-stand or at least a good snog. You're sought after, y'know."

Will raised his eyebrows.

"It's true!" Rachel defended herself. "See Drew Tanaka over there? She has a huge crush on you. Go talk to her."

Reluctantly, Will let Rachel push him over. Drew was pretty - you'd have to be blind not to know it - and Will was aware of her crush on him. She twirled her hair on a finger as she giggled far too much at Will's jokes and Will chuckled politely at some of hers. He wasn't really into her but maybe Rachel was right. When she leaned up to kiss him, he didn't object but someone else did.

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