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Chapter 97 A good mood with no lower limit should also be felt by others

    Gojo Satoru told a little lie.

    ——The marriage ceremony was prepared early, not this morning as he said.

    More than three years ago, Gojo Satoru proposed to Chuya Nakahara when performing the task of "guarding the astral body" that after the mission was over, the two of them would go back to Gojo's home to hold an engagement ceremony, and then go to the district office to submit their marriage when they were old. session.

    And at that time, Nakahara Chuya...agreed.

    So, after hanging up the phone with her, the wayward young master Wutiao ignored the fact that it was already late, and excitedly called Wutiao's family to inform them to prepare for his engagement ceremony.

    It is emphatically emphasized to be high-profile and to have a big scene.

    Of course, the Gojo family knew that their baby successor had a girlfriend, and they had no objection to the mighty Nakahara Chuya.

    Hmm... dare not have an opinion.

    The most important thing is - even if they have opinions, they can only hold back, and Wujo Wu, who has grown up, is not under their control at all.

    They honestly prepared for the engagement ceremony, and the marriage ceremony was naturally prepared in advance, and they stamped Wutiaowu's personal seal and name.

    Only the part belonging to Zhongye in the Central Plains is blank, waiting for the person concerned to fill it out.

    In the three years since she left, Gojo Satoru was in some kind of mentality, and kept the two unfinished marriage certificates.

    Later, he also collected all the certificates such as Zhongye's household registration transcripts and personal seals.

    So, on the second day of her return.

    Gojo Satoru filled out the marriage application as quickly as possible, and before the district office got off work, he successfully turned Zhongya Nakahara into Mrs. Gojo, his newlywed wife.


    Now, he couldn't wait to hear those two words from her mouth.

    Facing Gojo Satoru's inquiry, Zhongyuan Zhong didn't react immediately: "Huh? What are you talking about, what are you calling you?" "Huh? Don't you understand? Wait, look what this is


    Gojo Satoru took out the photo album on his mobile phone, pointed at the photos of the marriage ceremony, and poked loudly, "We are newlyweds now! A couple!" "

    Well...and then?"

    Tsk, she probably knew what this guy wanted to do up.

    "So you should call me something, you definitely know, hurry up and listen~!"

    Nakahara Nakaya snorted softly: "Reject."

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now