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Chapter 44 Leave it to me

    A few months ago, Yorito Matsumoto, who confessed to Chuya Nakahara, was exposed by the curses born of his negative emotions to reveal his true inner thoughts.

    At that time, the curses around him were only the lowest level four curses—this meant that his thoughts were not strong enough to act.

    Therefore, even Zhongyuan Zhong could see that this person's mind was much darker than that of ordinary people, and he didn't take this matter too seriously.

    It's fine to beat him up, but he's just a scum with a heart and no guts. And it's no big deal to let him think about it in his mouth and in his heart.

    ——This is what Zhongyuan Zhongya once thought.

    She really didn't expect Matsumoto Lairen to dare to turn his evil delusion into reality.

    Therefore, after witnessing Matsumoto Lairen's obscene and indecent behavior, Nakahara Chu was so surprisingly angry.

    It seems that she thought too simply. If there is no interference from others, the malice in Matsumoto's heart will only become stronger, and the innocent Yuno will experience this nightmare.

    "It seems that I did something wrong last time I spared you!"

    Nakahara Nakaya's cobalt blue eyes looked faintly at Matsumoto who was rushing towards her quickly, and the coldness that rolled into a storm condensed in her heart fundus.

    Immediately afterwards, she gave a beautiful upper kick, which was as strong as the wind and swept straight to the face of Matsumoto who launched the attack.

    In just an instant, Matsumoto Yorito was forced to fly upside down to the left at a high speed, and did not stop until his body hit the wall with a 'bang' sound.

    His limbs and internal organs were in severe pain as if they were crushed. This overwhelming pain caused his body to hunched into a shrimp involuntarily. He curled up by the wall and wriggled in pain, screaming and groaning continuously. with.

    Then, Matsumoto covered his chest with his hands, and looked at Chuya Nakahara who was walking towards him step by step with eyes full of disbelief and panic.

    How could it be possible? ! ! !

    Is the bet... lost?

    When Matsumoto agreed to the bet proposed by Gojo Satoru, he was full of confidence that he would defeat Chuya Nakahara-he blamed his own carelessness for being beaten up by Chuya.

    So at this moment, he saw that Zhongyuan Zhong also showed inhuman speed and strength, and he panicked.

    That kind of incredible toughness... It is impossible for him to beat Nakahara Chuya! ! !

    Gojo Satoru on the side looked at Matsumoto who had become cowering, and sneered mercilessly: "Hahahahaha, you are really a stupid and poisonous pervert~" "Why don't you

    use your poor little one?" Think about it carefully—why did we propose that bet with 'good intentions'."

    Xia Youjie said, "Of course it's because Zhong Ye is very strong."

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum