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Chapter 72 Just do what you want maliciously, I will give you the bottom line

    Neon people will go to a nearby temple on the midnight of New Year's Eve, that is, on the dark day of December 31, to wait for the bell-ringing ceremony.

    The neon tram will also run all night as an exception that night, so that it is convenient for people to visit temples. This activity can be said to be a national activity, and few people do not participate.

    Therefore, after Nakahara Chuya and Gojo Satoru came out of the Tokyo High School with their motorcycles, they deliberately avoided crowded streets and chose small roads to facilitate speeding.

    As a result, after racing for a long time, the two ran farther and farther, and finally settled down not far from an extremely remote village.

    After Zhongyuan Zhong also heard Wujo Wujo say that there were a lot of curses gathered here, he subconsciously used his mobile phone to locate their current location.

    Then, she was surprised to find something: "Huh? This village is not shown on the map!" It does

    n't even have a name, but it is really quite remote.

    "Well, this kind of thing is not important~" Gojo Satoru said nonchalantly.

    Afterwards, he took Nakahara Chuya's hand, but the cold temperature in his palm made him frown slightly, "Tsk, if you go racing in winter in the future, you should wear gloves, Zhongya." "Cut

    ... .Understood."

    After getting out of the car, she also noticed that her hands were indeed a little cold.

    Gojo Satoru held Nakahara Chuya's hand and covered it for a while, and stuffed it into his warm pocket after feeling a little warmer, and then slowly led her to the direction of the village.

    "It's all here, let's go and have a look."

    The village they are going to is not only geographically remote, but the road facilities are also very backward.

    The village is semi-surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the road leading to the village is only a rough and uneven path waded by people. There is no public lighting equipment around the path. Nakahara Nakaya and Gojo Satoru rely on their own night vision ability to move forward.

    However, when they walked to the edge of the village, they were surprised to see the village in front of them—at two or three in the morning, the village that should have been quiet during this time period was abnormally brightly lit.

    In the brightest place of the fire, there are also a lot of sharp quarrels, shouts, comforts, etc. from people.

    The purpose of Nakahara Chuya and Gojo Satoru coming here is to find out the reason for the abnormal situation of the curse here. Seeing this situation, they looked at each other speechlessly. The long-term tacit understanding allowed the two people to instantly understand the meaning in each other's eyes.

    If there is something weird, don't make a sound, just observe it first.

    Afterwards, the two quietly leapt to the roof of the tallest building, quietly looking at the people below—

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