Chapter 36: The Vivace Strings

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» [ The Vivace Strings - Song Jin Seok, Hwang Seung Pil ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 01 - 18 - 2027 ║

║ Monday║ Class Day║

Second's passed like a turd in the wind, as the truth Killian and his roommates was preparing to disclose promised to be as darkly humorous as it was disturbing, a morbid punchline that would shatter whatever innocence remained in that moment. 

My mind raced with questions, though I knew better than to speak them aloud. I simply nodded for Killian to go on, dreading yet desperate to hear the full truth of how my darkest night had come to pass. 

He leaned in closer, his voice dropping even lower, "What I'm about to tell you stays between us, understand?" I nodded once more, bracing myself for the sinister tale I felt sure to come.

I steeled myself for how many times of today, wondering how our lighthearted banter from mere minutes ago could so quickly give way to this ominous revelation. But as I waited for Killian to continue, a sense of foreboding crept over me, hinting at horrors I could not yet fathom.

Yet above all, I chose to sat in silence, waiting for him to continue, trying to steady my breathing as a sense of dread began to build within me.

"That night, Ruby... when your macabre dare to chop off a pinkie finger from anyone in the masquerade ball had taken place, me and my roommates here might have twisted some strings for you to be both safe and successful," he said, his voice dropping to a sinister whisper. I felt a chill run down my spine as I processed his ominous words, realizing the dark implications lurking beneath the surface.

Backing out from my seat, and tilting my head, I voiced out as I can't contain my queries enough in my head, "Wait, what? How did you knew my dare? While games would be rolling in, the headmistress said every questions or dares that will be picked, will be shrouded in sec—"

"—Secrecy. You're right. That should be how that night works. But it didn't..." He cut my words as the room's tone remained casual yet foreboding, as if the room knew more than what Killian was letting on. 

His tone was light yet laced with an unsettling edge, hints of a dark amusement dancing behind his words. An icy unease crept over me as I realized I may have become entangled in something far more sinister than a harmless game. 

I began to wonder just what else this man and his, "roommates," had meddled in, and what other secrets lurked beneath the surface of that masquerade night. A thousand questions swirled in my mind but I dared not voice them, sensing an undercurrent to his words. 

Just how much had they manipulated to ensure I carried out that gruesome act without consequence?

"You're probably too confused to comprehend, Fridays. But let me start to tell you where did it all began." Grazing my focus to my side, Killian's roommate who had a deep set of hazel eyes started to speak up, his black ear and lip piercing almost dancing within every groove of his mouth. 

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