Chapter 69: The Unescapable Soul

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» [ Game of Bones - Bone N Skin ] «

1:13 ──────── 4:43

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 27 - 2027 ║

║ Saturday║ Second Day of Olympia's Cup║

Sitting in Serene's hands, the amulet glows with an eerie light, a sense of ancient power emanating from it. It glowed with an unnatural light, beckoning us closer with its sinister promise of power and secrets just waiting to be uncovered.

Its golden surface seems to ripple and shift, as if alive, while the large ruby set within pulses slowly with a menacing glow. Strange carvings cover its surface, the markings of some long forgotten language. But apart from its intricate design, it also carries a warning, for those who are not worthy will surely meet their doom. An ominous feeling washes over me as I gaze upon it, an air of warning of the dangers that lie ahead for whoever dares claim its power.

That very same air feels as though charged like crazy too, as me and Spencer stare each other down, the weight of history heavy between us. Spencer's eyes lock onto mine, filled with the same hunger and ambition that I know burns within my own. Our companions stand ready behind us, waiting to see who will make the first move.

"Just leave, boys. It's ours to begin with." After Olivia's words, I took a glance at my teammates, seeing my own fierce determination mirrored on their faces, I knew then that we have come too far to back down now. This amulet calls to us, begging to be claimed. It calls to us as if, promising knowledge, winning and glory to whoever dares take hold of it since, as now, it was not any other jewelry, but inside it bears a key, a key to any important thing that maybe our way to reach this game's goal and win.

And so, I tightened my grip on the amulet, feeling its ancient power humming beneath my fingertips. As the smell of dust and decay filled the air as if the amulet had lain undisturbed for centuries, my companions and I exchanged steely glances, readying ourselves for the inevitable confrontation we knew was coming. We steeled our nerves, gripping our weapons tightly as we prepared to face whatever risk our enemies, like the Scarlet Ravens boys may lay in our plate, waiting for them who would dare disturb this amulet's slumber in our hands.

Our path has not been easy as we have ventured far and faced many perils to reach this place, but we will not back down now. This amulet is ours. We found it first, and we will be the ones to unlock its secrets first.

"The amulet stays with us and nothing you say will change that," Beatrice then say firmly, her voice low but resolute, exuding a menacing calm that aims to make clear we will not be intimidated by their petty threats into giving it up so easily.

The dim torch light dances across the stone walls of the crypts, casting wavering shadows that seem to mimic the looming tension in the air as we stare each other down. I can feel the amulet's ancient power pulsing gently against my chest, a reminder of what is at stake - the fate of the world hanging in the balance if it were to fall into the wrong hands.

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