Chapter 60: Bear

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» [ Playground - Bea Miller ] «

1:13 ──────── 3:50

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 26 - 2027 ║

║ Friday║ (D - DAY) The Commencement of Olympia's Cup║

"Greetings to you, Student No. 13 — an unfortunate soul who has chosen to enter this realm of gloom and despair. You now find yourself at the initial stage of your trial, the Labyrinth of Woe."

Clutching tightly the quiver of my bow and arrow in my back, I heard a seemingly automated voice from the dark abyss of the labyrinth announcing my arrival. The disembodied voice echoed against the cold stone walls, sending chills down my spine. I could barely make out the path in front of me, as after an enormous gate, dim torches flickered with an eerie green flame, casting shadows in all directions. 

"Wow, thanks for the conclusion that I'm an unfortunate soul. Great fucking ironic info we've got here, huh?" Cursing for the hundredth time in my breath, I hesitantly stepped forward to the entrance of the labyrinth before me, its damp darkness seemed to swallow any sense of my faltering hope. 

Opening the map I had in my hand once again while walking, I saw the cryptic markings that indicated this was the only way, that was supposed to lead me to the next location, and to the thing this mission sought the most. 

But would it actually? 

Or would this place, like so many others, simply swallow me up and crush any last vestiges of my spirit? 

I chuckled darkly at the thought. What spirit did I have left anyways, after all these weeks of enduring the games, and trainings, playing and getting my hopes up only to broke down each day, my mind being empty handed time and time again? Of course, none.

I began to wonder if I was truly wandering aimlessly, with no hope of finding my way out or reaching whatever goal this place was supposedly guarding. The thought brought a grim smile to my lips — at least if I died here, it would finally be an end to this miserable quest.

With these dreading thoughts resounding like a broken plaque in my mind, I trudged on towards the very step of the gates. 

I rounded the corner to find a dimly lit porch. Yet, when as soon as I stepped my toes an inch before it, it swung open, revealing a single stone column pedestal that stands in the center bearing an object that glinted dully in the faint light. Sitting on its frame, unattended, and seemingly forgotten will be probably the most surprising object I would lay my eyes in this dangerous and sinister complex arena. 

It was a stuffed toy — a brown teddy bear to be exact.

"What the actual fuck? A toy, really?" My lips uttering nothing but a curse again, my eyebrows crossed in confusion, and my eye widening with surprise and daze, I took a fair share of look of the innocent-looking thing, as it sat there as if waiting patiently for someone to pick it up. 

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