Chapter 45: Endless Pursuit of Liberty

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» [ Pursuit of Liberty - Ramin Djawadi ] «

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───── ❝ T H I R D  P E R S O N ' S  P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 12 - 2027 ║

║ Friday║ Olympia's Cup 3rd Week of Training Day║

The third week of training for the Olympia's Cup began ominously. This was Ruby's third week of training for the damn cup, a brutal competition that tested the limits of both body and mind.

The predawn gloom was pierced by no cheerful birdsong, only an eerie silence that seemed to press in on all sides. Ruby woke before dawn, her body sore and aching from the previous weeks' exertions. The training masters pushed her and the other students relentlessly, testing their physical and mental limits with grueling exercises and challenges that left them exhausted at day's end.

But just as the other days, Ruby had no choice but to surrender to this hellish routine every single day and night, no matter how fucking tired she maybe.

With the faint glow of dawn barely illuminating the barracks, she dressed with her uniform quietly and headed to the mess hall for a hurried breakfast even before the training would commence. 

The air was thick with apprehension and exhaustion as the students shuffled through their morning meal in near silence, dreading what new tortures the day would bring. All knew that only the strongest would survive this training, and the weak would be culled without mercy. 

Ruby ate mechanically, steeling herself for the ordeal to come, wondering if today would be the day she finally broke under the strain.

As she did, the hushed whispers and not-so-subtle glances of the other trainees needled at her. They definitely saw her as a threat, since they eyed her like hyenas ready to devour, with jealousy and suspicion. They knew of her natural talent and feared her rising prowess.

But, above all, Ruby's will was like that of an iron, forged in pain and loss. She would bend but never break, no matter how brutal the training became or how much pressure they applied. The darkness within her burned too fiercely to be extinguished. 

The other trainees' petty tactics were meant to distract and undermine her, but Ruby remained resolute. She knew the path ahead was fraught with peril and temptation, yet she would not falter. A cold determination hardened her heart against their petty games and malicious gossip. Ruby had come too far to turn back now, no matter the cost. 

Her skills came too easily, without effort. While the others practiced for hours to master the basics, new abilities unfolded within Ruby with barely a thought. The tutors watched her with calculating eyes, eager to harness her gifts yet wary of her power. Ruby could sense the envy and greed swirling around her, a miasma that threatened to choke the life from her.

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