Chapter 52: Murders In the Broken Mists

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» [ Murder Scene - Erwin Proost ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 24 - 2027 ║

║ Wednesday║ (D - 2) Before the Commencement of Olympia's Cup║

The targets were still shaking as the last arrow hit its mark. I lowered my bow, wiping the sweat from my brow. Practice had been grueling as always, but we needed to be ready for the challenges ahead. My teammates slumped to the ground, their energy spent from the morning's exertions. We dared not slacken our training, for the dangers that lay ahead demanded vigilance and precision.

The coming quest was a perilous one, fraught with unknown threats and ancient evils. Everyday, I overhead other student's dread as they spoke in hush tones that many had ventured into those treacherous depths of the game, yet none had returned. 

I gazed out across the practice field, my eyes landing on the forest's edge. Dark trees loomed, the shadows within seeming to move and shift. Foolish were those who underestimated the risks.

I knew evil lurked beyond those trees, waiting for the right moment to strike as we start the Olympia's Cup soon. We archers were said to be the last line of defense, the only ones who could stand against the approaching darkness. 

But were we truly ready? 

I glanced at my teammates, still catching their breath. Their skills had improved, but would it be enough against the horrors that sought to destroy us while the games would be rolling? I couldn't be sure. 

As the day of the Olympia's Cup competition draws near, I find doubts creeping into my mind, and memories of failures during past events keep replaying in my thoughts. The familiar feeling of dread and unease begins to build within me, like a steadily rising tide that threatens to sweep me away into the depths of despair.

I try to tell myself that this time will be different, that all my training and preparation will pay off. But the small voice of doubt persists, pointing out my flaws and shortcomings, reminding me of each mistake and mishap that has haunted my previous attempts. No matter how much I wish to ignore that voice, to silence it through sheer force of will, it continues to whisper in the shadows of my mind.

Yet I know I cannot let those doubts defeat me before I have even had the chance to try.

I know better to pushed them down, forcing myself to focus on the present. We had trained, improved our techniques, and strengthened our resolve. That would have to be enough for now.

I try to focus my thoughts on the goal, to visualize success rather than failure, and to trust that all the hard work I have put in will count for something when the moment of truth arrives. Still, there is no denying the shadows that cling to me, no denying the uncertainty that threatens to overwhelm. I can only go forward and hope that this time, hope will be enough to drown out doubt.

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