Chapter 50: Cursed Fate

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» [ Unfortunately - Leadwave ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 22 - 2027 ║

║ Monday║ (D - 4) Before the Commencement of Olympia's Cup║

The room was dimly lit by a single lamp, casting long shadows across the hardwood floor. Silence hung in the air, broken only by the soft crackle of the fireplace. I slipped under the covers, my eyes drawn once more to Killian's tranquil face as he slept, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

It seemed so surreal, like a dream. Only hours before we had been consumed by passion, our bodies and souls joining in the most intimate of ways. Now here he was, peaceful and still as I watched him. My mind replayed the night's events over and over - his touch, his kiss, his whispered words of love — it all felt so real yet somehow unearthly. I wanted to freeze this moment in time, to stay in this room where the outside world did not exist, where there was only us.

Killian's eyes fluttered half-open and met mine, and a smile spread across his face, "You're watching me sleep," he said quietly. 

I smiled back, "I couldn't help it. You look so handsome and peaceful..." 

He reached out his hand, and I took it, our fingers intertwining. In that moment, nothing else mattered. We had found heaven in each other's arms, inside these four walls of madness. A night I'll never forget for as long as I live.

Hours passed and small smiles crept onto my lips as I watched him return to deep sleep again, his raven hair falling across his closed eyes, features softened by slumber. There was a quiet beauty to him in repose, an intimacy I only saw in these stolen moments. 

I longed to reach out and brush the hair from his face, to trace the line of his jaw with my fingers, but I resisted, not wanting to wake him once again. 

Instead, I simply gazed at him, drinking in the sight and committing every detail to memory. The firelight danced across his skin, casting an ethereal glow. I felt a warmth rise within me, a longing that only he could satisfy. Outside, the wind howled and the trees swayed, but in here, in this room, we were in our own world, untouched by the storm.

From my ears, I can her the rain pattering harshly against the window panes, a soothing sound that usually lulled me to sleep within minutes. The grandfather clock in the corner chimed midnight, but still I lay there, content. 

The rain continued its gentle tapping, the clock ticked steadily in the corner. Outside, the city slept, oblivious to the dreams, thoughts and nightmares we had in this institution. With those thought, my tired eyes began to close, my mind drifting into that place between waking and sleep. 

I try to hold onto that feeling of peace for a little while longer, before the chaos and clamor of the dormitory swallows it up for the rest of the days.

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