Chapter 11: Strictly Just A Dare

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» [ Truth or Dare - Emily Osment ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

Gregorian Calendar ║ 01 - 01 - 2027 ║ Friday 1st Midnight

The darkness of the circus tent hung like a shroud over my head, an oppressive presence threatening to smother us like a deep-rooted fear. An eerie silence encompassed the scene, the only sound being the rustle of the canvas walls as a cool breeze blew through them.  Shivers of dread ran down my spine as I nervously surveyed the scene for a damn second, my eyes slowly adjusting to the horror that was to come later on.

Unbeknownst to many, my gazes stay rooted to the Headmistress moments after, as I thoroughly observed her as she stands guard on us, her gaze stern and unyielding as she intones her words, "Let us forgo the formalities, for I am no longer in the mood for them, my dear students. Once again, as per our tradition, you'll enter through the glass cage by your student numbers arranged in numerical order, from first to last. I know you're all giddy to play the games like me, so let's get rolling now before I got bored out and set this tent on fire, shall we?" 

Her wicked grins became an odd background of my despair as I shuddered at the thought of entering that deathly glass cage by myself. But I know I had to —  I knew that no matter how much I wanted to turn back, I couldn't. 

We knew our fate. In the darkness of that circus tent, the Headmistress was in charge, and we had to do as she said. In this exact moment I knew my life wasn't in my hands anymore — there was nothing left but to submit to the Headmistress's instructions if I still want the sun shine through the streaks of my hair the next day.

I could feel the fear pulsing and ticking dangerously through my veins as I waited to see what are our next deeds would be, but when I saw a familiar looking figure walking towards the circus stage bravely, I couldn't stop myself but to let out a sharp gasp. 

My blood ran cold as the first realization hit me— Oh, fuck... that's Serene Lanthe. My roommate, that's indeed her. I could hardly believe it but, this could only mean that... she was the first student to step her shoes in this odd and insane institution. 

Yet, wordlessly enough, as if she didn't give a damn about the deathly trap she's venturing in, she was the first of us to enter the glass cage in an bold and fierce demeanor, her footsteps echoing within the tomb-like silent scene. As I followed her tracks towards the chair of fate, the menacing stillness of the space I am in, suddenly became heavy and oppressive, with a chilling and foreboding feeling that infiltrated my being.

"Fearless as always, Ms. Lanthe," Ms. Rose said, her voice both firm and ominous ringing through the air of suspense, "I suppose with that stance, you're ready to spin the wheel of your fate, am I right?"

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