Chapter 31: Chop of A Lie

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» [ Chopin: Fantaisie in F Minor, Op. 49 - Frederic Chopin, Alexander Tharaud ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 01 - 15 - 2027 ║

║ Friday║ 3rd Midnight of the Games ║

The game had begun, and I could only hope to survive the lies, schemes and humiliations that were sure to follow before I finally found a way to escape this place of malice and ill intent.

As I made my way to the ominous black podium in the center of the room, I could vividly see Headmistress Rose smiled again for a hundredth time of today, her eyes alight with malice, "Come quick my beautiful and curious companion, let the games begin with you. Pick your poison — truth or dare — and let the unmasking commence. Whatever you choose, whatever is revealed, it stays with us, here in this chamber of shadows and secrets.

With her words, I hesitated, fear and curiosity warring within as uncertainty of what games the headmistress had in store, knowing they would reveal parts of myself I'd rather keep hidden. The air felt thick with anticipation, a dark desire to uncover the truths people work so hard to bury. 

To choose truth would be to bare my soul, yet dare could demand sacrifices I was unwilling to make. 

The ancient stone walls of the manor seemed to press in, trapping me within their shadowy embrace. The room was still, not a sound to be heard but the faint ticking of the clock upon the mantel. But Headmistress Rose waited patiently in her high-backed chair, her eyes glittering cold and hard like chips of ice, for I knew that either choice would feed the dark hunger that lurked within her. 

Whatever I revealed or did would only fuel the malice and cruelty that she cloaked in false promises of revelation and companionship. 

So I stepped forward into the circle of candlelight, toward the ominous black podium and whatever game awaited, knowing I had already lost.

I approached the podium cautiously, wary of the headmistress's twisted grin and the glint of cruelty in her eyes. This game held no innocence, darker motives lurked beneath the surface. Whatever truths she sought to drag into the light or dares she wished to set would come at a cost to my soul. 

"Well?" she prompted, "What shall it be — truth to reveal your innermost secrets or a dare to test your courage?" Her voice was laced with poisoned honey, dripping with false sweetness. She spoke with a tone that hinted at dark intentions masked by an innocent game between friends. Little did we all know that the secrets she kept and the evil that lurked just beneath her friendly smile. 

I saw no true courage in what she proposed, only a desire to flay open my vulnerabilities and weaknesses for her own sadistic pleasure.

I paused, mind racing through my options. The choices seemed more like nooses dangling before me, each ready to tighten around my neck with the slightest wrong move.

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