Chapter 27: A Librarian's Secret

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» [ A Librarian's Secret - Chris Palmer ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 01 - 15 - 2027 ║

║ Friday║ 3rd Post Meridiem of the Games ║

The library was quiet and still. Dust motes floated lazily in the air, illuminated by the soft glow of the lamps. The shelves were lined with rows upon rows of ancient books, their spines worn and faded with age. 

And though it's just been days since I had ventured here, I'm fucking sure many of these tomes contained secrets long forgotten by modern man, hidden knowledge that could reshape one's view of the world. 

The towering shelves of books stretch as far as the eye can see, filling the cavernous library with their musty scent and promise of knowledge. I wander deeper into the library's labyrinthine aisles, running my fingers along those timeworn shelves as I go. The air is still and quiet, filled with secrets waiting to be uncovered. 

I select another volume and add it to my ever-growing pile. The worn leather spines creak as I pile another stack of books into my arms. Their dusty pages call to me, begging to be opened and explored.

I hoisted the stack of books higher in my arms, struggling to keep them balanced. There must have been at least two dozen volumes weighing down my arms, ranging from gothic horror to historical romances, all consists of something dark.

The flickering fluorescent lights cast strange shadows across the worn wooden floors as I made my way to the register. An old woman sat behind the counter, her wrinkled face partially hidden in the shadows. She glanced up at me over her half-moon spectacles as I placed the stack of books down with a heavy thud.

She ran her gnarled fingers over the worn covers, muttering to herself as she examined each book. She then glared at me with amused curiosity and warily from behind her spectacles as I approached the front desk, "Do you have plans of reading all the books in here, Ms. Fridays?" she asked, a hint of suspicion in her tone. 

Her question hung in the air as I considered my answer carefully. The truth was far more complex than the simple joy of reading. These books held secrets, knowledge that others wished to keep hidden. And I sought to uncover those mysteries, even if it meant arousing the librarian's doubt.

I paused for a moment, considering how best to answer without arousing further loose ends, "Well... a girl like me, can never have too many stories nor run out of them. Reading was the blood running through my veins," I replied lightly, hoping my smile seemed innocent enough. 

That's a half lie right there. My words held a half-truth at best. I'm here tiring my eyes all day long to find anything that might lead me to the knowledge of how this school breathes through. Behind my pleasant demeanor, a different purpose drove my efforts. 

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