Chapter 51: Inevitable Inspection

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» [ Inevitable - Lucas King ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 22 - 2027 ║

║ Monday║ (D - 4) Before the Commencement of Olympia's Cup║

Ending the sounds of the oblivion, the headmistress voice and announcement halted to stop. The dust motes danced in the slivers of moonlight that pierced the boarded windows. Silence filled the abandoned house, a heavy silence, full of memories both forgotten and half-remembered. I could sense shadows moving at the edges of my vision, just out of sight. 

The ancient clock ticked on, each second stretching impossibly long as I lay there, wide awake. My body was weary yet my mind refused to surrender to sleep once again.

"Shit, why do I always have to be in the middle of some dangerous situation all along?" I questioned myself, over and over again as every decision I lay unto my fate seemed to just go out of my palm. The walls seemed to close in around me, the air becoming thick and hard to breathe. 

Still, I pressed as the clock ticked on, marking the passage of time as Killian and I lay together on the bed, our bodies pressed close yet our minds drifting far apart. Him was probably in dreamland while mine was in a daytime nightmare. 

His breath was steady and deep. His mind was far away, lost in dreams I could only imagine. My mind, however, refused to rest. Thoughts swirled and shifted, fragments of dreams and memories mixing with imaginings of what lurked beyond my sight, just beyond the circle of sunlight. The light and day seemed to watch me, to wait, to listen for any sound that would betray weakness or distraction. 

The air in the room was still and heavy, filled with a somber silence that spoke volumes. Questions lingered in the shadows, unasked and unanswered. Memories lingered in the corners, forgotten yet not gone. Darkness surrounded us like an old friend, concealing yet revealing in its own mysterious way. 

Yet as midday approached, an eerie silence descended upon the dorm. As the clock chimed the twelfth hour of the broad day, I lay awake, senses alert as I scanned the shadows dancing on my walls for any sign of the headmistress. 

The wind rustled through the trees outside, but it was not what roused me from my uneasy slumber. Rather, it was my own anxiety, dread and worry that at any moment, the headmistress could uncover our carefully guarded secret, exposing us to further peril and her harsh punishments.

I stare into the warmth of the day, watching for any sign of movement. The air feels thick and heavy, my skin prickling with each creak of the old floorboards that could be the headmistress coming to catch us together. 

I dare not move for fear of making a sound that carries through the stillness of the day, giving us away. I stay motionless, listening, waiting, watching the door for any hint that the headmistress is coming to catch us in our transgression and condemn us for our forbidden deeds.

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