Chapter 44: Unforeseen Confession

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» [ Confession - The Piano Player ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y  F R I D A Y ' S  P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 01 - 22 - 2027 ║

║ Friday║ Olympia's Cup 1st Training Day║

The darkness of the night sky pressed down on me much like the cold metal of the arrow nocked and taut in my bowstring. Similar to a strange fish in an abyssal lake, I could vividly envision Killian's eyes firmly positioned on me as I stayed the single archer in the quadrangle who had yet to discharge my arrow, notwithstanding having it nocked and pulled taut. 

While the others shot relentlessly, focused exclusively on the target, I appeared to be pausing, as if something invisible held me back, though I could not yet distinguish what barrier stayed my hand. 

The frigid air nipped at my skin like the fangs of unseen predators lurking just beyond the dim torchlight, yet I remained motionless, captured by the intensity of Killian's gaze which pierced through the shadows and seemed to hold me suspended between one moment and the next.

The bowstring was taut and ready, my aim was true, yet something kept me from loosing the arrow. I could feel Killian's gaze boring into me, his eyes intense and demanding, willing me to release the arrow. But I resisted, held back by some unknown force. The archers around me finished their shots and left, yet still I remained, arrow drawn but unfired. 

My fingers trembled slightly on the bowstring, my muscles tense yet motionless. I knew I should just shoot, hit the target and move on, yet something was holding me back. Perhaps it was fear, the fear of failure, of missing the mark entirely. 

In the outside world, just beyond this hellish institution I had trained for so long to become a skilled archer, to shoot straight and true, but what if I couldn't now that I am locked in here? 

Doubt crept into my mind, making my arms heavy and my hands shake. Still, I tried to steady myself, taking a deep breath and focusing on the target ahead. 

Ruby, you had to try, to at least take the shot and see where the arrow lands. The rest you could work on from there. My wake consciousness murmured to me. Yet contrary to what my brave mind was whispering, my actions were indocile as my bowstring remained taut, fingers gently curled around the fletching.  

My vision remained glued to Killian across the expanse, an unspoken dialog passing between us. Time itself appeared to freeze, expectancy thickening the atmosphere between us as I waited for his subsequent move. I could sense his stare smoldering into me, investigating my every motion. The hush amplified further until, eventually, I drew a deep inhale and gradually let down my arrow.

My fingers twitched, longing to release the tension coiled within me, but I held firm, refusing to give him the satisfaction. I could sense his eagerness, his desire for me to make the first move, but I would not fall into his trap so easily. We remained locked in this stalemate, as if two predators circling one another, each waiting for the other to show weakness. 

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