Chapter 47: Troubled Hearts

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» [ The Rose - Rosendale ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 21 - 2027 ║

║ Sunday║ (D - 5) Before the Commencement of Olympia's Cup║

My heart raced as I rushed down the foyers path, Serene's words echoing in my mind - there's a package for me at the door. Something in her hushed tone filled me with dread, so I moved faster, the envelope and rose already forming in my mind's eye.

I skidded to a halt in front of the door, my breath in short gasps hurrying to the door to retrieve the ominous package. As I approached the entrance and creaked the door open, shadows danced across the walls, cast by the dim porch light.

The place had an aura of neglect and decay, the air thick with dust and mustiness. I stepped carefully, floorboards groaning under my feet. Dust covered every surface like a thick blanket, undisturbed until now.

When my perceptions came down to the doorstep, there, sitting innocently on the welcome mat resting against the furry, was the violet rose and large ivory envelope I had been curious yet, deadly dreading to see.

The rose was blood velvet in color, the petals soft yet sharp. It lay on the ground, impaled by the white envelope nestled beneath it. The rose's sinister beauty seemed to mock me, its presence foreshadowing something ominous yet to come. I could feel a chill creeping up my spine as I gazed upon the strange tableau, a sense of foreboding filling the air.

I knew not whether to flee from this ominous omen or bend down and grasp it, letting whatever secrets and shadows it held spill forth into the light of day. The rose's unnatural hue seemed to darken as I hesitated, its petals curling slightly as if beckoning me closer.

Yet I stood frozen, caught in indecision. Staring at it, my mind swirled with questions. Curiosity and dread warred within me as I studied the strange artifact, so out of place in the ordinary scene.

Who would leave such a mysterious gift for me?

A secret admirer perhaps, or just a student playing a prank on me again?

What secrets did the envelope hold?

Yet, rocking away all those thoughts, Serene's voice growled back at the perfect time, shattering my mind currently drowning in haze, "I'll be off to my room then, bitch! All is cleaned up, so just lock the door after you're done!"

Serene's harsh words broke through my wonderings, bringing me back to reality. Though her tone was cold, I knew deep down she meant no harm. I answered a simple, "okay," as if everything was alright, but when her footsteps faded down the hall, and I was left alone on dread again with my mystery gift.

The shadows in the room seemed longer, the silence thicker. My heart beat faster as dark thoughts crept in. What cruel joke awaited me when I opened it? I stared at the package, hesitating, fearing what secrets it held. But curiosity, that damnable thing, compelled me to open it.

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