Chapter 54: Serene's Daylight Secrets

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» [ Secret (Instrumental) - Y U J U ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 25 - 2027 ║

║ Wednesday║ (D - 1) Before the Commencement of Olympia's Cup║

The hot water pours over my skin, releasing the tension that has built up in my shoulders over the course of the day. I close my eyes and tilt my face up towards the showerhead, letting the droplets cascade down my body, some falling onto my face while others cling to my hair. 

The warmth of the shower has soothed my tired muscles and cleared my mind after a restless night filled with dreams that seem to fade as soon as I open my eyes. 

I stand in silence, listening to the steady beat of the water hitting the shower floor and the walls, a soft melody that blocks out the noise from the outside world. The bathroom is illuminated by a single dim light, casting shadows that dance across the walls with each subtle movement. 

I feel the weariness of the day wash down the drain along with the water, leaving behind a quiet calm, if only for this moment. 

Yet, just like anything fading when they're for me to indulge on, I started to feel that the heat begins to dissipate, signaling that my time alone in this private sanctuary has come to an end. 

The hardwood floor feels cool under my feet as I step out of the steamy bathroom onto the bath mat. I grab a fluffy towel, patting myself dry before wrapping it around my body. I then slip into my soft, worn robe, the well-loved fabric hugging me comfortably.

The house is quiet and still dark at this early hour. Only a sliver of dawn light peeks through the curtains. I softly pad through the silent foyer into the kitchen, trying not to disturb the peaceful stillness. The wooden floor feels cool under my bare feet as I walk over to the pantry, my footsteps muffled by the rug. 

I breathe in the familiar smells of the old house — the faint aroma of lemon furniture polish and the lingering scent of last night's dinner. The air holds an expectant hush, as if the house is waiting patiently for the day to truly begin.

"Okay, Ruby. Time to start your day with a coffee," Call me crazy, but I usually utter this same monologue to kickstart my day. It works — it sets the tone for my day and reminds me of the peace that awaits me at the end of it all this shits.

Steam still rises from my skin as I gently shut the pantry door behind me. I flick on the dim light above the stove, casting a warm glow around the room. The familiar motions soothe me as I turn on the coffee maker. Reaching for the coffee tin, I scoop a generous amount of grounds into the filter. 

I then retrieve my velvet mug from the cabinet, a comforting weight in my hands. As the coffee machine gurgles to life, I watch the first drops of dark liquid begin to spill into the pot below. I inhale the rich aroma that begins to fill the air as the machine gurgles to life, transporting me back to late nights spent curled up in my favorite chair with a good book.

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