Chapter 68: The Amulet

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» [ Game of Bones - Bone N Skin ] «

1:13 ──────── 4:43

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 27 - 2027 ║

║ Saturday║ Second Day of Olympia's Cup║

As the final gong of the game sounded, we ventured out into the Crypts of Bones, our torches casting ominous shadows on the damp stone walls. The air was musty and heavy, laden with the scent of dust.

"Stay close," I ordered the others. Serene, Olivia and Beatrice huddled together behind me as we walked deeper into the crypt. The flickering flames illuminated rows of ancient stone sarcophagi lining the walls, their lids carved with grimacing faces.

"While we're here, let's also lookout for supplies," Serene whispered, "Food, water, medical kits, weapons. Anything we can carry as it may serve as a use for us later on. We cannot know what challenges awaits us further in,"

Nodding, we searched from crypt to crypt, finding only cobwebs and bones. The darkness seemed to press in around us, the silence thick with unseen menace. A cold draft whispered through the passage, snuffing out one of our torches and plunging us further into gloom. I drew my jacket tighter, feeling the hairs rise on the back of my neck as we pressed onward into the depths of the crypt, our remaining flames flickering weakly against the encroaching shadows.

As we descended the moldy stone steps into the Crypts of Bones, our footsteps echoed off the damp walls. The musty air reeked of decay and death, carrying faint whispers of those long gone. Our lanterns cast dancing shadows across the skeletal remains strewn about, the bones cracked and yellowed with age.

The darkness seemed alive, watching our every move with unseen eyes. Every noise made us jump--the scurry of rats in the walls, the leathery flapping of bat wings overhead. We had to stay vigilant, for this place was said to be haunted by the ghosts of those interred within its grim walls for eternity. As we rummaged through the relics and remnants left behind, we could not help wondering how many souls had met their end in this very crypt, their bones now underfoot.

The dangers in this place were many--collapsing walkways, traps still primed after centuries, and perhaps most frightening of all, the possibility of awakening some vengeful spirit bound to this netherworld. We had to act swiftly yet cautiously, for one wrong step could mean the end for us all. But we had come too far to turn back now, and so we pressed on into the darkness beneath the earth, holding our breaths and our lanterns high, searching for what we sought among the remains of the long dead.

"This place gives me the ultimate creep vibes," Olivia muttered with a tremor in her voice, her eyes wide with fear as they darted about searching for unseen threats in the darkness. Her hand trembled visibly as she reached out to touch the damp wall for support, the rough surface feeling alive beneath her fingers.

"Every place in here gives us that, girl. Better prepare for worse and more," Beatrice replied sternly, though her own face was pale and drawn in the dim light. Her hand instinctively reached for the weapon at her side, her eyes scanning the darkness relentlessly for any sign of disturbance.

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