Chapter 40: The Price of Victory

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» [ Victory's Price - Mattias Westlund ] «

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───── ❝ K I L L I A N W I L D E' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 01 - 22 - 2027 ║

║ Friday║ Olympia's Cup 1st Training Day║

The ear-piercing sound of the siren tears through the still morning air, jolting me awake. With the realization sinking in, I figured out that today is the day — the first day of training for the Olympia's Cup.

Through the morning silence it's loud noise pierced its shrill cry, signaling the start of another day at the Academy. I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head, hoping to drown out the noise. 

But who the fuck am I kidding? 

It was still no use — the siren continued its relentless wailing until every student was out of bed.

"Damn it," I cursed as I plucked my eyes awake, widely aware that another routine of mine would be put up this day. 

Every morning in here was oddly the same, awoken by that ear-splitting siren before the sun had even risen, then we will shuffle like zombies to the cafeteria for a tasteless breakfast served by faceless staff, then marched single-file to our classrooms where stern teachers barked orders and doled out punishments for the most minor infractions as any hint of individuality or spirit was crushed, our resistance even was futile. 

The Academy's true purpose — as me and my fucked up roommates had suspected — was not education but conditioning, shaping us into obedient drones for some sinister purpose.

The Academy operated with military precision, every minute was even scheduled and monitored. There was no room for creativity or freedom here. We were taught only what our overseers deemed necessary to fulfill our predetermined roles in this fucked and made up society. 

It was as if this place was a prison disguised as a school, designed to break our spirits and mold us into soldiers as we lived in fear of the Headmistress' wrath, dreading the dank basement cells used for solitary confinement. 

Escape was impossible, the high walls topped with razor wire saw to that. We had no future here, this was to be our existence until we aged out of the Academy, broken and bitter.

"Early doze of dread I see. Thank you very much... brain," I muttered silently with a bedroom rasp voice while rubbing the remains of my sleep off my eyes, my half system still sounding asleep but was forced to wake up. 

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