Chapter 61: Triple Deadly Threats

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» [ Playground - Bea Miller ] «

1:13 ──────── 3:50

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 26 - 2027 ║

║ Friday║ (D - DAY) The Commencement of Olympia's Cup║

The entrance gapes like an open wound, beckoning me forward with promises of secrets hidden deep within. I hesitate, fear and curiosity warring within me. The forest has fallen silent, as if holding its breath, waiting to see what I will do next. I take a step forward, then another, passing under the stone arch and into the Labyrinth itself.

The winding maze of passages appeared to have no end, each corner revealing more endless corridors. A sense of dread settled over me as I realized I may never escape this place. Yet, I steeled myself and pressed forward into the gloom, determined to complete this trial or die trying.

When I did reach the space, the last step of my boots resounded before I halted, the Labyrinth stands tall and ominous now on my front, its dark stone walls casting long shadows across the mud forest ground.

"Well, this is far worse than what I had imagined," With nothing else to do but to utter those words, my hope and soul seemed to take turns and escaped from my body as quick as lightning as I stared at three obstacles laying in my front. What in the, "Triple Deadly Threats," it is indeed.

The stone walls of the maze seemed to twist and turn, reforming into new configurations, designed to confuse and ensnare the unwary.

Not far from the stone labyrinth, a hedge maze began, the thickets of shrubs and branches bristling with razor sharp thorns. I knew one misstep in that thorny tangle would leave me flayed and bloodied.

But, above the two, the last barrier was the worst - a deep pit filled with spinning blades, the edges glinting cruelly in the dim light. I could see the dark stains on those blades, remnants of past victims who had fallen into that gruesome trap.

I know, these obstacles were designed not just to stop me but to break me, to wear away my spirit until I was too defeated to continue, but I had come too far to give in to despair, as my goal lay on the other side of this gauntlet of horrors.

The Labyrinth of Woe might lived up to its name, trapping me in a nightmarish world of uncertainty and danger, but I would not let it defeat me. I continued to walk the winding stone passages, keeping my eyes fixed on the flickering green flames, following their faint glow deeper into the gloom and despair.

With a deep breath, I pressed into the gloom knowing I had no choice but to press forward, my footsteps echoing off damp stone walls as I made my way deeper inside. I steeled myself and walk, step by careful step, into the stone labyrinth, starting along the perilous journey before me.

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