Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

He Yutian leaned against the wall and stood by the school gate, waiting for Bai Rao to pick him up.

Su Lian stood beside him and chattered endlessly, He Yutian looked at the phone expressionlessly, neither showing a good face nor accosting him, but Su Lian has this kind of ability, he can talk to himself with a small mouth Talk non-stop.

The students who passed by saw He Yutian and Su Lian standing together, starting a new round of eating melons, their eyes could not stop looking here, and their mouths were whispering.

There was wonder, there was regret, and there was indignation.

Su Lian noticed it, and was not ashamed but proud of it. After all, He Yutian was the man they coveted but couldn't get.

He uses his charm to get closer to the man everyone loves, and let the success make him bow down under his jeans.

Become one of his servants.

Among so many people, only he can.

Su Lian couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and she babbled harder.

But in fact, He Yutian didn't notice the turbulent environment around him at all. Even if he did, he didn't care at all. In his eyes, these people were little biscuits that had nothing to do with him, and this Su - he didn't even have a biscuit

. neither.

He Yutian concentrated on holding the phone, and typed in the search box: "How to be A and cool in front of your boyfriend."

He looked down at his history and searched -

"One hundred ways to please your wife."

"One Hundred and One Styles of the Encyclopedia of Flirting Men."

"How to release your charm purely and unpretentiously." "

What to do if you always blush."

"How to straighten your waist leisurely after a kiss."

"How to stay still when you have a reaction Sensation."


He Yutian sighed, suddenly felt that there was no end to learning, and there was still a lot of knowledge that he needed to absorb. He tapped his fingertips and swiped to open the newly appeared page.

When Bai Rao drove to the school gate, he saw such a scene.

The man just stood there quietly, as if he was greeted by the light, and no one could resist his damn charm.

Bai Rao automatically blocked Su Lian who was standing beside him, as if his eyes could filter out this person.

He took out the glasses cloth and wiped the lens carefully, making it as clean as new and spotless. Then he took out the small mirror, pinched his broken hair, arranged them one by one, and even stroked his eyebrows after finishing, it was really picky.

But Bai Rao looked left and right in the mirror, and felt that it was not enough. He rubbed his lips in front of the mirror, took out the lipstick from the small box, and carefully applied it on himself without falling off a single corner.

The fragrance of the lipstick came faintly, and it smelled very good. Bai Rao pouted his lips, sucked his nose vigorously, bent the corners of his eyes in satisfaction, and closed the mirror.

Bai Rao put his hands on the handlebars of the car, leaned over the car window and looked at the man standing by the door, his heartbeat started to speed up from this moment.

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