Dominic held open the door for me and gestured for me to go ahead first. I entered the building and chewed on my bottom lip— I already had to deal with Jeremiah at my home I didn't want to deal with him here.

Not now— not today.

"Goodmorning, Miss Sawyer," Deonna said from behind the front desk. ".. goodmoring Dominic."

I walked up to her and Dominic followed. "Goodmorning, Deonna." I smiled and Dominic said the same.

"I heard about Jeremiah.. so he's actually here?" She murmured as she typed on her computer.

"He is," I leaned slightly towards her and whispered. ".. but don't worry he hasn't mentioned you."

I cared for Deonna, truly, I did but the subtle extra treatment I gave her was really due to outside influence.

"Miss Roselyn, let's go up, yeah?" Dominic hummed while he adjusted his watch.

I nodded, "Alright, hun. You have a good day, Deonna—"

"— I'm not late, am I?"

I frowned at the sarcasm laced his words, I loved my baby brother, I really did..

I turned around and Jeremiah looked at me for a moment before his gaze turned into a glare and the glare found Dominic.
He wasn't a fan, he made it clear, said that as my bodygaurd Dominic should have never let it get as bad as its gotten. But it was already bad before I hired him and honestly it wasn't Dominic's fault.

"Jeremiah," I muttered as the entrance door closed behind him. He was dressed in a suit— like he actually worked here or something. ".. when I left my condo you were asleep— how the hell.."

.. but, my god, he was protective.

"Rosie, I have my ways," Jeremiah hummed— his hands in his pockets as he walked up the front desk. ".. and you make it sound like I'm a bum— I insisted on the couch, but you gave me a guest bedroom 'cause you love me so much, big sis."

I rolled my eyes, "You are a bum 'til you get out of my house."

Jeremiah nonchalantly stood between Dominic and I— leaning over Deonna's desk while he chuckled.

Dominic furrowed his brows— I could tell he was taken aback, and by the way  his teeth dug into his inner cheek he was also offended. Any other time Dominic would of said something, made a snarky remark, but this time 'round he didn't. I could only assume it was because Jeremiah was my brother— he didn't was to possibly disrespect me by disrespecting him.

"Goodmornin' Deonna— s'nice to see you again. You look beautiful today," Jeremiah grinned— his eyes were practically shimmering. ".. have you been okay? My sister treatin' you good?"

Deonna smiled softly, "Thank you Jeremiah. I've doing been good, and Miss Sawyer treats me great— like always."

That outside influence that caused me to add to Deonna's treatment was also known as Jeremiah-Joseph Sawyer.

"Yeah," Jeremiah clicked his tongue and his eyes never left her even when Deonna put her attention on her computer. ".. yeah that's good."

Jeremiah's very obvious crush on Deonna was.. something.
I made it clear to him that he wasn't going to go around and fuck my employees which sounds hypocrytical now but the point still stands.
Though it was sort of sweet to look at— still he'd get so wrapped up with her that I'd have more freedom when he came to visit.

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