She threw the dagger on the grass next to A Wu’s feet.

She was cold and indifferent: “I will give you a chance. You can stab me to death with that knife now. I will not resist.”

The situation was a bit out of control.

Lin Suizhou hurriedly coaxed the startled three children back into the tent, and when he was about to come forward to persuade her, he met with her warning gaze, making Lin Suizhou stopped immediately. 

Jiang Tang shifted her gaze back to A Wu and said with a mocking expression: “Hurry up, you are so smart, you should know that even if you murdered people, the law can’t prosecute the child at your age. Don’t you want me to die? Hurry up.”

“You, do you think I dare not!!”

A Wu’s neck was flushed red, he bent over to pick up the dagger. The sharp blade came out of its sheath and reflected slowly in the cold moonlight.

“Just do it if you dare.”

“Don’t force me!!” He clenched the knife tightly, and his eyes were covered with tears.

Jiang Tang’s expression was casual and seemed not to care at all, as if she was looking at a stray wild cat.

He wanted to stab her, but….

[A Wu, don’t hurt Mama.] Chu Yi repeatedly said to him.

He loosened his hand and didn’t move.

Jiang Tang’s eyes were half drooping: “You dare not. You only dare to do something to your younger siblings who are defenseless. What do you gain by doing this? Apart from making Chu Yi feel more guilty and uneasy, will you get any benefits?”

A Wu’s eyes were cold: “Don’t use Chu Yi as a shield.”

Jiang Tang laughed: “You’re the one who always uses Chu Yi as a shield. You don’t even have the courage to admit what you did, so what qualification do you have to talk about protecting him?”

“You always say that I don’t love Chu Yi. I’m selfish and only care about my own interests, but you have to understand that the one who doesn’t love Chu Yi now is you, and you are the selfish one.”

Her words sharply hit A Wu’s pain. He roared with teary eyes: “I didn’t——!”

“It’s you. It’s you. It’s all your fault. It’s you who abused us!!” He was blinded by anger and lost his rationality, closed his eyes and with the dagger in his hands aimed at Jiang Tang.

But the next second, he felt a pain in his wrist and couldn’t let go of the dagger. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the dagger was in the man’s hand.

Lin Suizhou’s expression has never been ghastly and frightful like this before. His eyes were filled with evil forces as if he was going to swallow him alive at the moment. A Wu’s heart was beating violently, and his face became pale. 

Jiang Tang glanced over the dagger and said with gritted teeth: “If you didn’t, you wouldn’t obstruct Chu Yi’s interpersonal communication, let alone destroying his relationship with his brother. You’re jealous of Chu Yi’s kindness and cuteness personally, being liked by everyone, so you use the word love as an excuse to satisfy your hypocritical heart!”

“I, I didn’t……”

He sobbed in a low voice.

He has nothing, he only has Chu Yi. He wants to protect Chu Yi from harm. Is it wrong?

No, it’s not wrong.

The world was not beautiful enough. Chu Yi only knew the sky was blue, the sun was warm, and his mother was gentle, but he didn’t know that the sky would turn black, the sun would sink to the horizon, and his mother would abuse him.