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You walked over to the door, going down the steps, and made it across the room. You looked through the peephole and saw Connie standing there at your door, you appreciated the fact that he knocked even though he knew the code to the door. You opened the door, confused why he was here and even more confused by the lack of an expression on his face.

"Hey Connie. What's up?" You greeted with a warm smile at the sight of him.

He didn't say anything, he just stared at you for a moment, you felt a little awkward as he just kept looking at you with nothing to say.

"Can I come in?" He asked, you weren't even sure why he was asking when most of the time he just barged in as he pleased.

"Uh..yeah, of course." You stepped to the side; pulling the door back and he walked in slowly, you shut the door after him and turned around.

"Is something wrong? You got girl problems or something?" You asked jokingly and laughed softly with your front door behind you.

You assumed the lack of expression was due to some woman he was having issues with, it wouldn't be the first time he came to you with his problems so you saw no reason to be suspicious of his behavior.

"No. I don't." he shook his head and it was only now that you felt really confused.

"I know you and Eren were supposed to go out on a date today...he told me about it last night." Connie acknowledged and at this point, you had no idea where he was going with this.

"Yeah...but it's raining so I called him and told him I can just go to him. I know he doesn't like driving in the r--"

"It's more than just rain y/n. There's on the road." He interrupted you, leaving you with a million different thoughts to try and figure out why he was saying all this.

"What are you getting at? Did you come here to tell me not to drive to his house? I can take the train it's fine."

"He was on his way over here y/n...even though it was raining while he drove. He still wanted to take you out but...the ice just..." Connie looked down at the floor, he was unable to look you in the eye while he spoke and he had gone completely silent before he could finish his sentence.

"While he was driving, this slammed into him and because of the ice he just didn't have any control over the car so went sliding off the road and it flipped over..." Connie's voice had gotten shaky and unsteady, he still didn't even look you in the eye at this moment.

Tears flooded your eyes, you shook your head repeatedly while looking at him even though he couldn't even bring himself to look at you.


"The impact from the other car--" Connie tried explaining but you just wouldn't let him.

"" you kept shaking your head, there was no way that the end of his sentence would end with the one thing you thought was inevitable to happen to Eren.

"Y/n he's--"

"No. He's not." you denied again, you couldn't even see clearly at this point from the amount of water in your eyes blurring your vision.

You stood there taking deep breaths, breaths so deep that you were suffocating yourself from not inhaling more than you exhaled. Your chest kept rising without sinking, your entire world was crashing in front of you despite you trying to rebuild it all as Connie spoke.

"There was nothing the paramedics could d--"

"No...he wouldn't do that to me..." you refused to accept anything else that came out of Connie's mouth.

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