falling for you

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And that night that's what he left it as, you didn't fight the fact that you weren't sober and neither did he. You didn't ask him what set him off but you knew it had something to do with how he touched you, you just weren't sure what exactly it was about the touching that freaked him out.

That morning after you just laid there, you didn't look over to see if he was awake as well. Your head was hurting but it wasn't unbearable, thankfully because all of his windows were covered you didn't really deal with the sun blinding you as your "wake up".

You leaned up in bed and Eren reacted to your movement by grabbing your hand.

"Where are you going?" He asked even with his back turned.

"To the bathroom..."

"Stay away from the windows," he released your wrist and you got up slowly after to head to the bathroom.

You thought about what he said as you walked over, you wondered why he was so paranoid over the windows in this house compared to the ones at his mom's. You went to the bathroom to wash your face with cold water and you could hear Eren rustling against the sheets in the bedroom.

You walked back over and Eren was still lying on his side, it got to a point where you were the one who was starting to get annoyed with him just keeping his back to you. As soon as you laid down, he got up out of bed and walked out of the bathroom, you scoffed at the sight of him leaving and grabbed your phone.

You heard the front door opening and reacted by rushing over to the bedroom door and peeking your head out to hear.

"His location is thirteen miles from here, we got his address like you asked and Jae should text it to ya in a bit. And you were right about him, he's involved through Armin." A voice you didn't recognize but you kept listening anyway.

"Take the license plate off your car. Check the house again." Eren's voice sounded very different compared to when he talked to you, he only seemed to make demands and nothing else.

He didn't always make demands when he spoke to you but he definitely did when talking with the people he "worked" with. The one thing you forgot about though is how silent he was able to walk, he came back to the bedroom faster than you imagined only to see you standing there eavesdropping on him.

"You're so nosey." He says with a slight grin and walked past you to get back into bed.

"Rightfully so." You turned around and stood in the doorway while looking at him sitting on the end of the bed.

You stared to glare at a couple of pictures on his nightstand before making your way over to get a closer look at them just lying there on top.

"You play sports as a kid or something?"

"No. Why?" He turned to see what you were looking at you pointed to the photos on the nightstand.

"You had a cast on a different part of your body in most of these photos, they all look at different times too so—"

"No." He said again in a much huskier tone to you, he looked away from you and back down at his phone in his hand, it appeared as if you struck a nerve with the mention of the photos.

"You were so small...now look at you, 6 foot and built like a gorill—!"

"I'm 6 foot 3 y/n." He corrected but just ignored him as trying to show off to boost his ego a bit.

"So if you don't play sports that why are you so...—"

"So what?" He whipped his head around as if you were going to finish your sentence with an insult.

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