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He was still outside your window sitting there...well you didn't actually know if he wasn't or wasn't but you didn't hear him get off your roof down you assumed he was still there. Sometimes your thought he was a ninja or something. Your first thought was an assassin but that seemed a little extra...even for him, and the fact that's being wasn't very secretive about anything.

You weren't trying to fall asleep but it was three AM and you couldn't. You got out of bed and checked your phone, you checked how cold it wasn't outside and felt that the temperature was a start to an appropriate punishment for his behavior.

You walked over to your window and opened it, he wasn't still sitting there with his knees to his chest and you stared at him.

"I don't like you be stared at."

"I don't like it when people break into my house, wear shoes inside, sit on my roof, put a bug in my locks, and run background checks on me yet here you are." You tilted your head to the side and grinned a little as you leaned on your windowsill.

"Why are you here Eren?"

"We're you really going to pawn my mother's ring?"  He turned his head and questioned you.

Without hesitation, you nodded.

"You're acting like I knew it was her ring. I should've." You remarked and he nodded his head in a slight disbelief for your response.

"If you knew that Jean and Historia were together would you still have kissed him?" Eren asked and you scoffed and looked the other way out your window.

"You're such an asshole. No, I wouldn't have done anything with him if I knew." You assured and Eren turned his head back around to stare forward at the sight of the other houses around you.

You just looked at him, he had a really large back and large frame in general. He and Jean had similar figures but Eren seemed taller with more definition on his muscles, you only knew that because of what you saw when he wasn't in the pool.

He remained silent as well, just observing your neighborhood and all its silence. The cop car was still a block down from of your house and the cop was fast asleep, Eren looked over and saw him asleep only to scoff at the sight of him.

"What's the point of having him there?"

"So he can shoot you if you come into my house with your shoes on again." You answered him and he started to laugh at you.

"You'd have someone shoot me for that?"

"Sure would." You reached over and grabbed your throw blanket since the cold air was coming inside.

You looked next to you again and saw a folded towel you recently washed, you grabbed it and threw it at him.

"I'm not giving you one of my nice blankets but I'm not heartless so there." You watched him grab the towel and turn his head to give you a funny look.

"I don't need it. I'm leaving in three hours,"

"I'll tell your mom that you not only came to my house but refused my kindness." You provoked and he groaned and took the towel.

You shut your window while smirking and moved your curtains back over the window, you went back to your bed and laid down comfortably.


You were up and dressed for the day, before leaving you checked your window and saw that Eren was gone. Your towel was folded up where he had been sitting, you grabbed it after opening the window and tossed it inside.

You went downstairs as you could smell Sasha's waffles from the toaster.

"Y/n you never told me what happened with Jean. Why are you mad at him?" She asked as you were walking down the steps into the living room.

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