forever yours

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You called him without thinking twice, you didn't even know if he used the same number or not but you knew somewhere deep down that he'd answer.

You not being able to speak if you called him wasn't a problem, all you had to do was call and then immediately hang up. That alone would get him here and you knew knew it because the last time you called and hung up on him, he showed up at your window.

"Yeah...we're still working on things but we talked." You tried going along with it, buying yourself as much time as possible because you weren't confident that you'd be able to get yourself away from him so easily.


"She probably just called you on accident. I butt dial all the time," Connie shrugs as I was about to enter his house, I stood at the front door looking at the missed call from her.

"She doesn't just call me on accident." I huff, staring dead at the missed call with a bad feeling.

"Yeah but she just got back, I doubt she'd be calling you to have a little chat this soon, she's probably still mad at you, to be honest."

"She hung up right after the first ring. Something is wrong." I ignored Connie, not even stepped inside his house yet and I turned right back around to my car parked outside his house, I got in my car quickly and didn't hesitate to drive off to her hotel, Connie was overly confused by how quickly I jumped to the conclusion something was wrong but I just knew.

If I was wrong, so be it but I doubted that I was wrong. She meant to call me and she meant to hang up, with Ricardo being in the room right next to her that's what I thought was going on, he was responsible for more than he shared with her.

I drove fast, faster than I should've been but I couldn't risk anything happening to her. I knew I had a lot to make up to her, I hurt her in ways I didn't imagine ever doing but I did and I didn't expect her to forgive me that easily. I needed the chance to make it up to her, Armin wasn't going to take that away from me.

She wasn't a far drive from Connie's, ten minutes at most but I made it there in five.


"I don't know what you're talking about."

"So him being a murderer doesn't bother you? Not in the slightest?" He took steps toward you and you took steps back away from him.

"I still don't know what you mean," you denied, denying was all you knew how to do when it came to Eren's history, it wasn't your business and you kept it that way.

"So you don't anything about what Eren had you holding for him in that box then, huh?" He asks with a bit more persistence than the first question he asked and you froze, you were unaware that anybody knew about that other than Eren, Connie, and Armin himself.

"No. I don't." You denied it again and he progressively got closer to you, you kept walking back until you felt your hand graze the curtain and your back met with the wall, you gulped in complete fear and worry that Eren didn't get the hint.

"Damn, you don't know anything about who he's killed all of a sudden...two years will do that to you."

"While you were off taking pictures, making a name for yourself...he was back here...killing his own dad." Ricardo informs, a grin forms on his face and yours completely drops, along with your heart.

Jumping to conclusions wasn't something you wanted to make a habit out of but the way he said...he said it as if he was telling the truth. You were looking him in the eye, your back pressed against the wall and his presence in front of you alone was sending shock waves to your feet, paralyzing you.

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