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"What's wrong? You look stressed." Sasha pointed out as you sat down in her car parked in front of the park.

"Eren knows. I don't know how he knows but he does and it's stressing me out!" You confessed and slammed the car door shut after you sat down.

"Wait wait wait...knows what?"

"Last summer! He was in the art gallery and saw the photo with my leg peeking out a bit and pointed to the bruises on my leg. I don't even know how he knows!" You rubbed your face in distress and Sasha started the car.

"But how? You didn't file a police report—which by the way I still don't agree with! So how could he know?"

"I don't know Sasha...but him knowing makes me feel a bit better about the fact that I lost something of his," you said and she furrowed her brows after you spoke.

"What did you lose?"

"I don't know, he gave me this box and I checked my room and it was gone...he probably came back and got it since it he likes to randomly appear everywhere,"



"Dude. Address the elephant in the room already," Connie sighed and jumped onto the couch in the middle of the dorm.

"What elephant?"

"What did you say to y/n?! You're always freaking her out it's weird!" He shouted and rubbed his head on the pillow.

I scratched my head and debated on saying it out loud or not, it wasn't really of my concern anyway and Connie wasn't a blabber mouth like Jean so why not?

"That photo I pointed to, did you actually look at her leg in the photo?" I questioned and approached with the keys to my car in my hand.

"Nah, not really—"

"Her leg was bruised in it. If you paid more attention you would've seen it, because of her situation she didn't mean for her leg to be in the photo but most people can barely see it anyway unless you really look at it ," I answered truthfully, Connie lifted his head up from the couch and just stared at me.

"What situation?"

"Not my place to say. See ya," I patted him on the shoulder leaving him with questions as I walked toward the door.


"Still didn't find it?" You shouted from your room.

You and Sasha searched the house for the box Eren gave you but it was nowhere to be found, you were throwing clothes out of your closet and even checking under your bed but still...nothing.

"I don't see it! Just call him and see if he came through your window again and took it!" She shouted from downstairs.

"That's impossible I locked my window this time!!" You responded back to her and sat there in your closet feeling completely defeated.

It was Friday, this weekend you had that thing Connie invited you to and you hadn't even packed yet. Not to mention all your clothes were thrown everywhere and now you'd have to face Eren empty-handed, you could already tell he seemed to have a temper and it wasn't something you wanted to deal with.

But you had an idea.

"It's practically identical now." You boast and both you and Sasha stare at the box you made.

"Yeah it is but what happens when he looks inside and whatever's in there isn't there anymore?" Sasha inquired with a slight head tilt to the side.

"This is just so if he asks for a picture or something I can show that it's here. I'll have to figure out the rest later but I need to pack anyway and you're coming too since you're friends with Connie," you put your hands on your hips and Sasha nodded and the two of you parted ways to get your things together for the short weekend trip.

You were cleaning up your room, folding clothes back up and it was already around seven PM by the time you started cleaning up the mess you made. You cleaned up for about an hour before you actually started to pack the clothes and swimsuits into your bookbag, as you were playing music out loud from your speaker you heard a loud banging on your window.

You quickly looked up and saw Eren standing on the roof outside your window, he kept hitting your window for your attention and you hesitantly stood up and went to go unlock and open it.

"Why the fuck are you at my window?!" You snapped as soon as you pushed the window up, he lifted his head down and invited himself in.

He was wearing a white tank top and had a leather black jacket overtop with black jeans and looked around your room before replying.

"I need the box back." He informed with his hands in the pocket of the jacket, you looked at him as your face froze up, you didn't think he'd come back for it so quickly and started to think the odds were just never in your favor.

He walked around you toward the box on your dresser, he remained cold towards you and you just stood there. You couldn't come up with an excuse fast enough but when you saw him grab the box your heart practically fell out of your body.

You watched him reach forward for the box, taking it between his fingers and softly picking it up. Even you knew that the weight difference would be noticeable instantly.

You traced your eyes up from his hand all the way to his face, suddenly you weren't the only one frozen. He didn't even have to open the box to know something was off about it.

"I'd like you to stop coming through my window." You blurt in a moment of pure anticipation for what he was going to say about the obviously empty box.

"Oh yeah?" He clenched his jaw and turned his body completely around to look at you.

"And you're wearing shoes inside. If you're going to barge in then take them off before—"

"I'd like for my shit not to be missing. What did you do with it?" He scoffed at you and opened the box anyway to see that it was empty.

"I didn't do anything to it. That's the box you gave me." You lied, you just crossed your arms over your chest and sat on the end of your bed hoping that if you believed the lie then so would he.

"It's not. What did you do with it y/n?" He questioned a lot sterner and even walked over to stand in front of you sitting at the door of the bed.

"I told you...I didn't do anything to it. That's the box you gave me." You explained again and the two of you were just staring each other in the eye at this point.

No other words were said, you knew he was waiting for you to give up and confess but you were far too stubborn for that and he just didn't know it. He held the opened box in his hand and you just stared back at him.

"Hey y/n which bikini should I—?" Sasha walked into your room as the door was already wide open and stopped when she saw you and Eren passing stares at each other.

"What's going on...?" She asked hesitantly and neither of you turned your head to look at her but rather continued like this was a staring contest.

"She took something of mine."

"No, I didn't." You protested again, you firmly kept your arms crossed over your chest.

"She didn't take whatever you think she took. So leave," Sasha pointed down the hall where the steps were and Eren turned his head and looked at her.

He looked back at you and leaned forward so his mouth was right next to your ear.

"If I find out you have it...taking your SD card will seem like child's play." He whispered softly in your ear, you could see him smirk a bit as if he just knew that you had it when you didn't...yet he sounded so sure of himself when accusing you.

He leaned straight up and made his way out the room, you watched him leave and Sasha even followed him down the steps to make sure he was actually leaving.

You needed to know how much he knew but trying to figure out what he was even thinking seemed impossible...until it wasn't.

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