close enough

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"It's really nice outside. You two should go on a walk," Carla suggested right when Eren finished washing things in the sink.

"I'd rather not."

"Go to the market down the street for me. I need some things and we're all out of my strawberry jam." She got up and grabbed her purse that sat on the counter, she pulled out a notepad and started to write things that she needed from the farmers market.

"Your clothes are upstairs." Eren says and looks over at the things his mom was writing down.

"My clothes?"

"From your house. They're in my room." He says and you stood up and went upstairs in a bit of a hurry.

"Eren you didn't give her a towel!!" You could hear Carla snapping at him before she caught up with you and handed you towels and other things for the bathroom, you smiled at her and she rushed back off to scold Eren a little more.


You walked down the steps and saw Eren waiting for you by the door. Carla was handing him the bag she wanted him to use to bring back the things she asked for. When Eren saw you he opened the door and walked out of it, you followed behind and heard Carla shut the door behind.

The first couple of minutes were painfully silent, the two of you walked along the sidewalk downhill not saying anything to each other. Carla was right, it was really nice outside and fall was coming so the breezes picked up a lot more.

He kept moving over so that you were walking on the side farthest from the road but you kept switching with him while walking, you went back and forth over and over again until he just moved you over to the other side himself and held your hand so you could walk all the way around him successfully.

"Stop being stubborn."

"Stop being an ass." You ribbed and looked the opposite way of where he was standing.

"Says the one who kissed me solely to assure me that it was practically a test for you," he said with agitation and continued walking alongside you.


He stops walking and since he was holding your hand, you stopped walking too, you turned your head to discover why he stopped.

"So you don't feel that?" He asks and you knew exactly what he was talking about.

Because you felt it too.

That was the sole reason you couldn't answer the question, you remained silent, not denying the feeling nor accepting it.

"Feel what?" You played dumb to what he was asking, he let go of your hand and just shook his head.

"Fuck it. Forget I said anything," he slipped his hand into the pocket of his red unzipped jacket and just started walking forward again. You trailed alongside him, you were side by side with him completely but instead fell back a little while you thought about whether or not you should've said something. Maybe what you were thinking wasn't what he was talking about? Maybe you were just overthinking it and he wasn't actually talking about the feeling you got around him.

Either way, you two didn't say a word to each other. You made it to the farmers market together, he pulled out the folded yellow note paper Carla gave him and started collecting all the things she asked for. 

You went and sat on a bench, there were stands in rows that he walked through outside to get what she needed. You didn't want to keep following him around so instead, you sat there and forced yourself to understand what was happening to you.

You even considered what Sasha said, he was your type down to even his attitude. You wouldn't deny that...that was true. You liked guys who were just as provoking as you, not in the way where they provoked you for a reaction constantly but rather it was a natural reply for him. He was able to provoke you in nice ways, calling you a nickname that was inherently rude or used to make fun of you, it was a sweet nickname but the only reason he called you sunshine was because you hated it.

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