times ticking

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You'd arrived home, you left the beach after sitting in a filling silence for a while. You were laid up in bed comfortably, all wrapped in the warmth putting you to sleep pretty quickly.


It was the next day and all you had planned were to attend classes and go right back home. You repeated that all the way until the end of the week. Eren had been out of the last class you shared together nearly the entire rest of the week.


You had just finished your second-to-last class and stopped by a nearby cafe to get a latte. You had just walked to the cafe and planned to walk back as well, there was a short period of time until your final class so you took your time enjoying the beautiful fall weather on your way back to campus while drinking your latte.

The crisp air as you walked along the sidewalk was perfect, you were looking at all the color-changing trees as you approached the campus and crossed the street. You hurried along after you realized you'd spent a little too much time strolling and you had a minute to get to class.

You opened the building door and turned to the left, you tossed your finished latte in the trashcan on the corner and nearly made it to your classroom before hearing a single piano key. You heard the noise from the end of the hall, you walked past your class and walked all the way to the last room on the right, the door was cracked and you pushed it open a bit more and looked inside.

You saw someone in a hoodie playing on the piano, you remembered that they held classes for lessons after school you just didn't think anybody actually signed up for it. Whoever was playing was doing a good job, all you could see was his back, it was broad and pretty familiar at first glance but then again it was just a back.

You listened to the song being played and started to recognize it after a minute, it was one of your favorite songs. You'd never shared it with anybody so you were pleased to know other people knew about the song. You got carried away and listened until the song ended.

"Alway's watching me, huh?" Eren's voice was the voice of the man playing the piano, he turned his head around to see you peaking your head in.

"How do you know that song?" You walked inside the room and shut the door behind you, you were purely curious about how someone like him knew that song.

"It was written on your bookmark inside of the book that was on your desk," he says as you made your way to him and sat right next to him, shoulder to shoulder in front of the piano together.

"You took my book?"

"I read it too," he adds and you pinched his arm after his confession.

"How'd I do?" He asks and glances from the sheet of notes back to you.

"You're a little slow, the song is like half a second faster." You informed and began to place your fingers over the keys, you were preparing to demonstrate.

"Sit on my lap." He demands before you had even played a single note.

"What? Why?"

"So I can put my hands over yours."

"How am I going to play if your hands are over mine?" You squinted with skepticism for his reasoning and remained placed where you were.

"Just do it and I'll show you." He insists, you reluctantly moved your body over his lap, you felt his chest hitting your back and he every so slightly put his hands over yours, he wasn't interfering with your ability to play but rather lying his hands over the top of yours.

"How is this going to teach you to move your fingers faster?"

"It won't. I just wanted to see if you'd actually sit on my lap," he teases jokingly and you smacked his hands off the top of yours so you could play comfortably, you didn't get off of his lap though.

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