real life

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You glared up from the message and focused on the tv, you can't say that what the message meant was surprising. You did have a feeling that he was responsible didn't think to ask him about it.

You left your head on his shoulder still, just thinking about whether or not you should say something. You touched the necklace on your chest, the one that he gave you, and thought it wasn't possible for someone to be a bad person yet do something so sweet. Eren wasn't a bad guy, you knew that but...sometimes you wondered if what he did reflected more on him than you initially thought.

song rec: falling in love- cigarettes after sex

You fidgeted with the necklace for a little, Eren was watching the show you had on and you were too lost in your own thoughts to spark a conversation. The rain got even heavier outside.

"What happened to your hand?" You caught a glimpse of his knuckles, they were scabbed over and his hand had little cuts all over it.

"Broke a window,"

"Why would you break a window?"

"To get to you." He says casually, you lifted your head off his shoulder, passing a glance to him.

"Just to be do know that I like you right?"

"Yeah, and you know that I feel the same, right?" You confirmed and he nodded his head slowly.

"So...where does that leave us?" Your eyes met with his and he looked a little puzzled by what you asked.

"What do you mean?"

"What do we do from here?" You asked again, you were hoping he'd get the hint at what you were asking but he didn't.

"I'm confused."

"Eren I know you've never had a girlfriend before but you're not a fucking idiot. Where does this leave us relationships-wise??" You sighed and he thought about things for a moment..." a moment" turned into five solid minutes of nothingness.

He didn't say a word and at this point, you took that as his answer.

"Guess that answers it,"

"I haven't said anything." He says with a slight sigh.

"Exactly. If it's taking you five minutes just to answer then clearly you don't want to—"

"That's not true. Just let me think." He expressed, you gave him the benefit of the doubt and just sat there in silence next to him, waiting for him to ask or say anything but an added ten minutes passed of you two sitting there and still...nothing.

You couldn't wait any longer and things were starting to feel embarrassing to you for even speaking up.

"I'm going to take a shower. Stay or leave, it's up to you," You got up and walked around, you hated feeling like an idiot and he definitely made you feel like one.

You were a pretty direct person when it came to most things but recently being like that with Eren had been hard for you. He just made you feel embarrassed, which isn't very ideal. You walked upstairs and grabbed more comfortable loungewear to wear around the house before you entered your bathroom and got in the shower.

You were thinking that by the time you got out of your shower, he would have just left so you could avoid the awkwardness of facing each other again. You finished showering and changed into your loungewear, when you opened the bathroom door you saw Eren sitting on your bed waiting for you.

"Still thinking?" You remarked sarcastically and he shook his head as you went to leave your other clothes in your hamper in your closet.

You pulled the strap of your red tank top back up after it had fallen passed your shoulder, you were walking toward him and waiting for what he had to say.

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