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You made your way back to your seat, trying to sit down next to Connie like nothing happened.

"Well?" Connie spoke abruptly, he was glaring at you like he was waiting for some sort of reaction.


"Did you two talk?" He questions, you glanced off to the side and shook your head, Connie kept looking at you in hopes you'd say something else or give him something to work off of but you had nothing.

"Why don't you just talk to him? You've known him since childhood, you could probably get through to him more than I could!" You expressed, you were past uncomfortable and Connie reacted by standing up.

"Come on." He motioned his head to the left, signaling you to walk with him out the door, you reluctantly got up and followed him to wherever he was taking you.

You walked with him out of the event and he stopped in the lobby of the building, you were standing near the main hallway to the elevator right next to a plant, the floors were shiny and marble, and you didn't see Eren still out here so you were a little less nervous.

"I can't ask him myself."

"Why not?? You're his friend, damn near his brother!"

"Before tonight, I haven't seen him in three months." Connie was hesitant to tell you but when he did he cleared his throat in between, your brows narrowed firmly after he spoke and Connie kept looking both ways like he was nervous.

"What...? Why not?"

He checked his phone for whatever reason then looked both ways again, how nervous he looked was quite concerning to you.

"Come on." He nudged his head to the side toward the elevator down the hall, you were unsure why he was being so secretive and nervous but you followed him anyway.

"Why do we have to take the elevator to talk?"

"Because the last thing I need is Eren losing his shit because I told you how miserable he's been without you," Connie confessed with a sigh, he started walking faster until he reached the elevator, he clicked the button to the top and you didn't know what to say to that.

Things went silent between the two of you after he spoke up, you were standing behind him with his back facing you as he waited directly in front of the elevator.

"Eren's dad fled three months ago," Connie confessed to you, his voice was soft...speaking ever so delicately on a situation you heard absolutely nothing about.

You were about to ask him something but just as you parted your lips from each other, the elevator doors opened and Eren was the one standing inside the very elevator. Connie was standing in front of you but you were still visible to Eren, they were looking at each other at first then Eren's eyes trailed over to you.

His jaw clenched when looked back from you to Connie, staring at him filled with an anger he didn't even try to hide.

"We need to talk." Eren says, in a rather demanding manner, your eyes dart up to his despite him not even looking at you anymore.

Connie turned his head, looking over at you and you had stepped to the side.

"It's fine, I should head back to the table anyway." You expressed awkwardly before turning around to walk off back down the hall, you were unsure what was going to be said behind you but you didn't think you wanted to know.

As you were walking and making the turn around the corner, Ricardo came walking out in a hurry and nodded when he saw you.

"I was looking for you," he sighs in relief at the sight of you.

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